«Dating Red Hood Would Include»

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·» Wearing his leather jackets

·» Waiting up for him even though he "hates" it, you know he secretly loves it

·» Fixing him up when he gets home

·» Comforting him when he has a nightmare, cuddling afterwards and you being the big spoon

·» His hot morning voice

·» Cooking when he comes to wrap his arms around your waist, his head on your shoulder and he helps you

·» Movie Nights

·» Make out sessions with you on his lap

·» You jokingly calling him "Daddy" then realizing he likes it

·» Continuing to call him Daddy when you want  something
   "So, I was wondering if I could go out with Dick-" "No" -"Daddy" "U-uh s-sure. Just don't be out too late and be careful"

·» Making him like puddy in your hands made you feel like the dominant one in the relationship, he quickly showes you who's boss though.....

·» Loving each other endlessly

·» Jason (just realized I haven't said his name lol) having trouble expressing his feelings in words, so he expresses them in actions instead

·» Holding his hand and rubbing your thumb over his knuckles when he's nervous

·» Calling him 'Jay'

·» After two years of dating you finally meet the family because he was apparently scared they would scare you away

·» Damian (Demon as Jason calls him...) really liking you and wondering how Jason got lucky enough to end up with someone like you, you think the same about Jason

·» "Why- how are you still putting up with me"?
"Because I love you Jason, no matter what. But don't take that as a cue to cheat because I will chop off your balls"
" *chuckling* Never even thought about it babe"

Hi humans of Earth! Or are you humans of Earth? *dramatic music*.....anyways I hope you liked this thank you for reading this and I hope you all have a wonderful day! I really feel like my book and writing is being appreciated when I get a vote or a comment. Thank you so much! You all make my horrible bitter day better!

                                     -mgBookLover out.

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