How You Meet~ Robin|Dick Grayson

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First Person/Your Point of View

I sigh pulling down my shirt. First day at Gotham Academy. New town, new school, no friends. I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and make my way inside.

I go to the office for my schedule and locker information. Once I find my locker I place my books inside and only take the necessary ones. The late bell rings and I sigh, rushing to the class. I finally find it and open the door. The teacher's head snaps in my direction. "Why are you late?" she snaps at me. "I couldn't find your class! It's so confusing." I tell her. "Don't talk to me like I'm your friend or classmate!" She yells with furrowed eyebrows. "Well you'll have to be my classmate 'cuz I don't have friends" I tell her nicely. The kids snicker and she growls (literally) and points to an empty seat. "Stop your nonsense and sit down." I obey but not before correcting her "Y/n, ma'am." I sit down and she rolls her eyes before huffing. "Back to my lesson" she says glaring at me. I smile back and wave. My classmates snicker again and she points at me saying "No lunch for you, detention!". "What?! Why?" I ask shocked. "Shush." I resist the urge to roll my eyes and nod beginning to pay attention. Halfway through the class someone throws a paper ball at me. I look around to try and find who, but everyone was paying attention. I open up the ball and smooth it out as best as possible and then start to read it:

'Brave, huh? No one ever talks to her like that, maybe in their head but not out loud. You're cool, and funny. Nice hair by the way'.

That's it? They didn't even write a clue about who they were! I look around one more time and my e/c eyes lock with blue ones. The boy smiles and winks at me. I think I found them. Him.

Hey guys so sorry for the very late update, school sucks. But I got less homework today! I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, and share!

-mgBookLover out

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