Fate~ Impulse|Bart Allen

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So I had another weird dream... and decided to make it an imagine


I smiled as Bart and I walked hand in hand, the sun shining down on us. I laughed as he told me a joke. 

I loved him and he loved me, it was perfect. Our relationship was going great, and I knew he was the one. We knew where we were going.

Or so, we thought.

We didn't know it would end so badly.


"It is him". The grandmother told the mother, her daughter, worry evident in her voice.

"How do you know?" the mother asked back in a panicked, hushed whisper.

"The coins he carries, dates that are long from now, it is him".

The mother froze, a look of shock on her face, as she pressed her lips together in a thin line.

They knew what was going to happen.

But they had to let it happen.

They knew better than to intervene with fate.

"Bart?" I asked as I turned away from the beautiful sunset to face him.

"Hmm?" he mumbled back as he absentmindedly rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.

He looked up and my heart fluttered as his loving light green eyes met mine.

He smiled at me, causing me to blush. "Do...do you think we'll ever, you know..." I hesitated as I looked away.

"Ever what?" he asked me with a raised eye brow.

"Do you think we'll get married and grow old together? I want you to answer me honestly" I finally told him, looking into his mesmerizing eyes.

He brought my hand up to his lips and gently placed a kiss on it. "Yes, I do" he told me.

"I love you, Bart" I whispered to him with a smile on my face.

"I love you too, Y/n" he told me back before leaning in and passionately connecting our lips.

He smiled at me and stood up, offering his hand to help me up, which I gladly accepted.

"Let's go" he told me as he gestured his head to his old truck.

We walked to it and got in, buckling in.

I sighed as I finally sat down, my feet were tired as Bart and I had walked a lot, Bart wasn't tired but that didn't faze me as he never got tired (and never got fat no matter how much he ate).

It was getting darker by the minute as night started to take over.

I leaned over and pecked Bart's lips with a smile on my face.

He laughed and pulled me in for a short but sweet kiss. 

He then turned the truck on and started to drive.

"So, Y/n, what do you propose we do this Sunday?" Bart asked me as he gave me a quick glance, but stayed focused on the road ahead of us.

I laughed softly, seeing him smile from the corner of my eye, "I don't know Bart, what if I'm sick on Sunday, hmm?" I asked playfully.

He playfully scoffed back, lightly shaking his head, "Well then"-

Time seemed to slow down as bright lights blinded me. I was roughly moved to the side as the drunk driver harshly bumped into Bart's truck. A sickening crashing sound was heard as the truck flipped onto its side, in the process breaking the window which went flying to Bart as his body slammed on his car door.

I let out a scream as some pieces of glass pierced my skin.

I heard Bart gasp and then saw the life slip out of him.

"No" I whispered, tears starting to form in my eyes, "No, no, no".

"Bart" I spoke, waiting- praying for a response, "Bart" I spoke louder, a sob escaping me as I was meet by silence. 

"NO! NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, ignoring the pain in my throat and chest. The pain in my heart was much stronger.

People started to come towards the truck, and helped me out.

They sent me looks of pity as they watched me cry out for Bart, but I didn't want their looks of pity- I wanted Bart back.

An ambulance came and took me but I didn't want to go.

"W-what about his body?" I questioned the people who were wheeling me away on a gurney.

Just as they were about to respond, an explosion cut us off.

I watched in horror as the truck exploded.

I sobbed harder, not bothering to wipe the tears off.

My vision started to slowly fade away as darkness threatened to consume me.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the protests of the paramedics, my only thought being to see Bart again.

I am so sorry! I had to! Well not really, but....

I hope this was good, I can't say I hope you enjoyed because..you know.

Thank you for reading and voting, it is very appreciated!

Have a wonderful day or night! I feel so weird saying that after what I just wrote : c

   -mgBookLover running away from angry fan-girls/boys.

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