For the Best~Red Hood|Jason Todd

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Part Two of Leaving!

Third Person Point of View

Jason wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans as he looked over at her.

She seemed calm and at peace, which made Jason feel bad for what he was about to do- for what he had to do.

"I'm not sure I can do this anymore" he ended up saying.

He watched as she froze up and quickly stood up, beginning to walk to the bedroom. 

He didn't want to watch as he broke her.

He never deserved her in the first place.

He took out his duffel bag and began to shove his things inside of the bag, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible.

He looked at her as she stared at him from the doorway, but quickly looked away with a grimace of pain in his face.

He slung his bag over his shoulder and admired her for a short amount of time before she spoke.

"J-just like that?" she asked him, her bottom lip quivering, letting him know she was about to cry.

If she started to cry Jason didn't know what he would do. He was never good at comforting people and he wasn't really sure if he could comfort her after he broke her heart.

"Y/n, you knew it was going to happen sooner or later" he told her.

She looked down and let out a quiet sob, nodding.

Jason's heart began to beat faster as he got nervous.

"I- I didn't mean it like that" Jason spoke as he nervously ran his hand through his hair.

He had wanted to get this break up done quickly, but he had failed.

"Look I should have never been in a relationship with you in the first place- but I guess everyone makes mistakes" Jason let out honestly.

He had told himself that he wouldn't date anymore, his 'job' would never allow it.

But he gave her a chance anyway, not thinking for one moment that he would fall.

But he did; and he fell hard.

When he kissed her he tried to be quick so he wouldn't fall even deeper, hoping she wouldn't notice.

Tears were running down her face and he wanted to so badly wipe them away, but he knew he couldn't. Not anymore.

She was no longer his.

She wiped her tears away and cleared her throat.

"I h-hope you have a n-nice life" she managed to get out between sobs.

Jason frowned as he stared at her, as if asking if she was serious.

"Why aren't you yelling at me?" Jason was confused that she was wishing him good luck in life instead of screaming or swinging at him. He would've let her as he deserved it for playing with her heart.

"Why don't you hate me!?" he demanded, wanting to know her reasoning.

She flinched at his loud voice and his face softened for a second, before going blank again.

He wouldn't- couldn't let her see how he truly felt about her.

"I...I'm never going to hate you Jay-son" she told him.

His heart clenched as he heard her stop herself form calling him by his nickname, but it was for the best.

"I-I love you" she spoke, making his eyes widened as he stumbled back in surprise.

"B-but I'm not gonna stop you from leaving. I won't hold you back- as m-much as it pains me. I just w-wanted you to know" she said as she tried to swallow down the sobs trying to escape her mouth.

Jason opened his mouth as he so badly wanted to tell her he loved her too as he hugged her tightly.

But he couldn't.

He closed his mouth and nodded as he turned around and rushed out, trying his best to block out her cries of pain.

He left the apartment complex and pulled his phone out of his pocket, calling Roy.

"Jaybird, what's up?" Roy asked his best friend cheerfully.

"I'm ready for the mission" Jason told him hanging up before he could even respond.

He gave one last glance at the apartment before getting on his motorcycle and speeding away.

For the best.

This is probably not what you expected but I hope you liked it!

I'll most likely make a part three but I just wanted you guys to see it from Jason's point of view, his reason for leaving.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day!


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