When You Give Him The Silent Treatment~Kidflash|Wally West

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*3rd Person Perspective*

"Prince/ss" Wally awaited their response, but was met with silence.

"Baby". No response.

"So you're ignoring me now, huh?". Once again no response.

"Fine, we'll see what you have to say about this". 

He starts tickling them, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he watches them struggle to stop their laughter. They try to muffle the joyful noises as much as they can, but they can't hold it any longer. Bursting into a laughing fit, they beg him to stop between breathy gasps. 

"Not until you say you love me" he said, his fingers never once stopping in their attack. They merely giggled, with tears running down their cheeks, and lungs wishing for air. 

"Fine! I love you Wally!". They gave in, their stomach hurting from all of the laughing they did. He stopped tickling them, his teeth peeking out from the grin on his lips. 

"I love me too" he declared.

They whined at him with a pout, hand lifting to weakly smack his chest. "But I love you too my beautiful prince/ss" he leaned down and allowed his lips to press against theirs. They kissed him back, arms around his neck, his around their waist.

And he had lied; he loved them more than this world could handle.

Hahaha yes!!!! Now you know why this is Wally's. I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Have a nice day/night!

-mgBookLover out

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