rest within my heart | kaldur'ahm

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Man do I love writing comfort and man am I obsessed with Kaldur. Rest assured, I am working on other members too, but I am suffering from Kaldur brain rot.

WC: ~1k

Date Published: 4.11.2023


Kaldur'ahm is a good person. A good leader, a good friend--whatever he is doing, he is doing so with a good heart. But he struggles to let others help him. He bottles up his emotions and takes on too much all at once. He gets all that he takes on done, but he neglects his own needs.

Kaldur, fortunately, does eventually cave into persuasion from his loved ones. Which is how he ends up in a bath you ran for him, with lightly scented bath salts in the hot water and a cup of wine on the stool by the tub.

"Red Moscato?" He raises an eyebrow at you, but there is a gentle smile on his lips.

"Hey, it's what I like when I need a pick me up... anddd it's all we had. I know you don't prefer sweet wine, but I figured a drink is a drink." You shrugged.

"It is. But it is also much more than that to me. Thank you for this, my love."

You lean down to press a gentle kiss to his temple. "I should thank you for giving in, but we all know you can't resist me."

Kaldur grabs your wrist as you stand back up, gently bringing you back down to his level. "I would not want to." He said. He presses a kiss to your lips, before pressing another to the back of your hand.

Shaking your head at him, you welcome the heat that settles in your face at his actions. You pull the towel from the hook by the door and place it on the closed lid of the toilet, so it's easier for him to reach. "Enjoy your bath, babe. You deserve it."

You close the bathroom door gently behind you and head towards the kitchen. Sighing, you get started on the dishes you forced Kaldur to leave in the sink. Kitchen cleaning duty should be done by the time he's out. You pick your speed up, knowing that if it's not done by the time he's out, Kaldur will insist on helping.

Finally, you return the broom to the closet and turn the lights off in the cleaned kitchen.

In the bedroom, Kaldur is slipping into his sleeping clothes. You place a gentle hand on his shoulder as you walk around him and into the bathroom for your own shower.


You finish up your night routine, slipping into bed beside Kaldur, who is still sitting up and reading a book. But once you settle in beside him, he finishes the page and puts his bookmark back in before setting it on his night stand. He turns to look at you, that same gentle smile as before on his lips. His eyes look at you similarly, but there is a flood of emotions in his dilated pupils. You lift the blanket up, making space for him to settle his head on your chest and his body securely between your legs.

You slip your hands underneath the cotton of his shirt and run them up and down his bare back. Kaldur relaxes further into your figure, face moving up and into the crook of your neck where he presses his nose against your skin until you feel the breaths that leave him just as prominently as the rise and fall of his chest against your abdomen. "You alright, Kal?"

He hums against your skin. "Yes. I have never been happier to be a fool."

Your hands freeze on his back. "Huh?"

Kaldur raises his head up at you, and realizing the way his words sound, he straightens up and props his upper body on his elbows. His pale green eyes seem to be reaching into your very being, as if wishing to cradle your soul and combine his with yours through mere eye contact. "I am utterly in love with you, Y/n. I cannot stop the feeling of my heart bursting at the seams with the amount of love that flows through my veins for you. And I do not want to. I am happy to be a fool in love, if it is with you."

Your heart beats feverishly in your chest, and your hands slip out from under his shirt and to the sides of his face. He lets you move his face, until his forehead is pressed against yours. "You're safe with me. I'm just as much a fool in love as you."

His eyes blink slowly, going over every single feature of your face--even though he's surely memorized them all by now. "I know."

"I want you to take better care of yourself, Kaldur. I love you so much that it hurts to see you refuse to take a break. I know you've got responsibilities, but shouldn't treating yourself well be one with top priority?" You hook a finger under his chin and feel his lips brush against yours as he replies.

"You... have a point." He whispers. You move one of your hands off his face, and he interlocks his fingers with yours. "I will try my best. I promise, my love."

You press your lips to the corner of his, a small kiss that brings warm flutters to the man's stomach.

"Hm, what is it with you and consistently missing my lips?" He jokes.

You shake your head at him playfully and welcome his lips on yours. They meld together, the plush of his lips against yours nearly enough to have your head spinning. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss and you part your lips to let his tongue massage against your own. There is no fight for dominance, no need to pin down and make a submissive. Only the love between lovers who comfortably rest within each other's hearts on an equal level.

The kiss ends, and you press your lips to his one last time. A quick and soft press that is tender. An acknowledgement that you are his and he is yours. And a promise to keep him to his own.

With that, he settles back onto your chest. Once again relaxing against you as you resume the back rubs. His chest rises and falls steadily against yours, and your hold on him never falters as your breath evens out into sleep along with your lover.

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