«Dating Robin (Tim) Would Include»

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·» Hugging

·» Cuddling

·» Holding hands

·» Making him blush

·» Watching him work on the computer and wondering how he doesn't get bored of it (you got bored after watching him work for less than 5 minutes)

·» Making him coffee

·» Tim stuttering and being nervous around you at first

·» Tim over thinking almost everything

·» Doing crazy things with him to get him to live in the moment and not over think

·» Dragging him to bed so he sleeps and he thanks you in the morning

·» Taking care of him when he is sick and him doing the same for you

·» Trying to get him to get along with his brothers
   "So now you're taking his side? I see, I thought you were dating me and not them"
"Tim you need to get along with your brothers"
"Oh well, the Demon deserved it" he huffed

·» Soft, sweet, and gentle kisses

·» Running your fingers through his soft black hair

·» Loving each other no matter what or who

I hope you all liked it! Thanks for reading and have a fabulous day!

           -mgBookLover out...

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