How You Meet [Redo]~ Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)

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3rd Person Point of View

Kaldur'ahm swam beside Aquaman, to Atlantis. He had made his decision, he just needed to find Tula. He said farewell to his king and started his journey to find his love. But as he was swimming he heard a cry for help. He quickly changed his route, following the cries of what seemed to be a girl.

When he came into view and saw the scene in front of him he immediately got a water hook and pulled the man back by his shirt, startling him. The man turned around in a fighting stance and threw a quick, weak punch at him. Aqualad stepped back just in time and took out water blades, looking at the man with a frown on his face. The man made an attempt to punch him again and he nearly hit him. Aqualad slashed at the man's arm with his water blade and the man gasped before realizing exactly who he was fighting. He then scurried off after mumbling an apology while breathing heavily. Kaldur made an attempt to follow him, but quickly stopped; remembering the scared girl.

He helped her up and she spoke, "Th-thank you" her voice trembled as she was still shaken from the sudden attack. "No need to thank me. I only did what was right" he told her calmly with his deep voice. She smiled in response and stood straighter, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She thanked him again, asking if there was anything she could do to show her gratitude. "You do not need to do anything to thank me, helping you was enough of a 'thank you'. Um, maybe you could tell me if you know where Tula is? Uh, do you know Tula?" He was now kind of embarrassed he had asked the beautiful girl that, but she smiled nevertheless. "Yes I know her, she is with Queen Mera and Garth. I believe her class is about to end".

He smiled and thanked her, before hurrying off to find Tula.  Wait, he never got her name! He turned around only to see she was gone, the last place she was empty. He shook his head, confused, but went to look for Tula, already knowing he was going to ask her the mysterious girl's name. With a smile like hers, Tula is certain to remember her. Like he will. Like he does.

A/n: I rewrote it and technically changed everything except the fact that you still know Tula. The other one was way shorter and I really liked this one. Also thank you for almost 3K view!! That's the highest amount of views any of my wack books have had!! Thank you so much, it means a lot to me!Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day/night! ~By the way I have 4 covers I will post soon because I think it's time for a change. :P

                            -mgBookLover out!!

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