Trust~ Robin|Tim Drake

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How You Meet + You Gain His Trust

Y/n: Your Name
S/n : Superhero name
R/l : Random Location

3rd Person point of view

She walked in behind Black Canary, hiding behind her mentor nervously. "Team this is my protégé, S/n. She will be joining this team and I would like you all to make her feel welcome, as she is a little shy. Come on S/n" Dinah spoke moving to the side and nudging the girl gently. She stepped forward and slowly lifted her head with a shy, small forced smile on her face. She gently lifted her hand and waved. "Hi. I'm Y/n" she spoke in a whisper. They all greeted her with an unsure smile, as they were wary of her. Everyone greeted her, Supey with a frown on his face; Robin was the last to greet her. She seemed slightly confused as to why he had repeated his alias to her. She shrugged it off mentally, and responded to him with a small smile and a greeting. "Y/n. Well you already knew that- uh, nice to meet you Robin". He smiled widely at her awkwardness and for a second she thought he was making fun of her, but he didn't laugh. He quickly wiped his smile off as he realized what she thought he was doing and stuttered a quick apology. He stepped back quickly as M' Gann offered to show her around. She politely accepted the offer and followed the cheerful Martian on the tour of the mountain.


Y/n sighed as she finally made it to her room. Megan sure liked to talk. It's not that she was antisocial or anything, but at times, she was a quiet girl. She locked the door behind her and went over to the neatly done bed that she was now to call hers.

It was quiet in the cave, as everyone had left or was doing research. The inhabitants of the cave were already off to their own room as well.

Tears clouded her vision as she remembered the events.


It was just another regular torturous day for the girl. Wake up early with 5 hours of sleep, go to school, come back, eat, read, finish homework, read, sleep. She had been doing it for months- almost as long as she could remember! She always tried to stop the bad habit [but the fights never did], always promised herself to, but it was always the same results: sleep deprivation. She would get killer headaches and would constantly feel tired. Her grades; they decreased over time. She was just so tired, too tired of life that she couldn't find time or the energy to do her work. The once happy and hard working girl suddenly vanished slowly, leaving everybody confused. They never knew why so they made up rumours. Instead of asking her what was wrong and being there for her. Nobody cared. Nobody cares. And they most likely never will.

She got home that day just as a gun shot was heard inside her house. She- being worried about her family, bursted into the house to see what was going on and let out a muffled scream cry like sound escape her lips at the scene in front of her. Her mother still aimed the gun at the wall and on the floor with eyes wide open, was her father.

Her mother's head turned to her when the girl screamed and she lowered the gun taking a step towards her daughter. "H-honey. Shh shh, it's okay. It's gonna be alright baby girl, daddy won't bother us anymore" her mother spoke with a small smile on her face, a couple of tears running down her face.

The girl's eyes widened and she shook her head violently, running out the door. She know her father was cheating on her mother, it was obvious and at that point her father didn't even try to hide it. It all started with fights, they would scream so loud that she wouldn't get a good night's sleep. So she started to read with ear buds in, music blasting into her ears, trying to block out the world. It worked for a while, but when she pulled them off she came back to reality.

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