Secretly Dating《Wally West》

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First Person/Your Point of View

Humming to myself I enter Mount Justice. "S/n _ _ _". I step inside and see everyone there. I look around some more and turn to them confused.

"Free time, no mission today" Robin says. I nod my head, already figuring it out.

"Yes" I whisper walking over to the couch and sitting down. "I'm so tired" I moan, spreading all over the couch my legs on Wally's lap, sine he was already on the couch. "How are you tired? Your house is close to the zeta beam! You're over exaggerating" Wally says. He comes closer and whispers "So; do you have it?" I nod and he fist bumps, "Yes" he whispers.

Not a good whisper. "What"? Conner questions curiously . I looked around and saw everyone looking at us. I blushed and tried to come up with an idea. "Uh, I don't know! Ask Wally"! I shouted nervously. They all turn to Wally, awaiting an answer. "Well"? Robin asks. "Uh, they have, uh, my snacks" he says.

"Can I?" M'gann asks the team, making Wally and I confused. Robin nods and she smiled before taking a deep breath and her eyes turn green. Uh oh. She's reading his mind!

Her eyes go back to normal and her mouth is wide open in shock. But that quickly turns into a big smile. "Oh my gosh!" She giggled, "That explains a lot".

"What"? Everyone questions. "Y/n and Wally..." she pauses dramatically and I sigh "...are a thing" she squeals just as I tackle her to the ground. "So"? Artemis asks/says. "Can you explain"? Robin asks. I sigh, getting off M'gann and helping her up. I turn to Wally and he's already looking at me, so I nod my head. "Well we were watching movies yesterday and we finished my snacks. So, N/n offered to get me my favorite snacks in exchange for another movie night" Wally explained.

We look up to see them smiling and then they all burst out laughing, except Kaldur and Conner. "What"? Wally and I ask in unison. " We already knew, just wanted to wait until you told us" Robin says with a small smirk.

"So you're not mad at us"? I ask them. "Of course not everyone has feelings" Kaldur says as Artemis nods in agreement.

"Thanks for understanding guys" I tell them, grateful. They all nod and head to the kitchen for M'gann's cookies. Wally grabs my hand, smiling. I smile back and peck his lips pulling him to the kitchen with me.

We all grab a warm cookie from the tray and eat it.

"Hey guys, how about we have a movie night here?" I asked as soon as I had finished my cookie, looking at everyone.

"That's a great idea Y/n!" M'gann exclaimed as the team hummed in approval.

We all walked back to the living room and placed the snacks we had gotten from the kitchen, and my bag, on the small table.

I sat between Wally and Robin as the movie that we all agreed on started. Wally pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead gently as I smiled and pecked his lips, returning my attention back to the television.

I hope you liked this imagine I came up with a while ago! :) Thx for reading!

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