Sleepless Nights~ Red Robin|Tim Drake

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Warning: Make out session and mature themes suggested- not NSFW

You awoke, late at night, surrounded by darkness.

You yawned as you sat up, turning your head to look at Tim's side of the bed.

You gently touched the bed, searching for his warmth; but instead found the spot empty, but still slightly warm.

You pulled the covers off of you and stood up, your bare feet meeting the cold wood floor with soft taps.

You rubbed your eyes and walked out of your bedroom, towards the kitchen where the light was on.

You heard Tim take a sip of something and stopped, watching him carefully as he stared down at the mug.

He ran his hand through his hair as he let out a sigh, the bags under his eyes prominent.

"Can't sleep?" you asked him gently as you played with the hem of the shirt you were wearing- his shirt.

He looked up and nodded, his baby blue eyes meeting your e/c ones.

You walked towards him and got behind him, resting your head on his shoulder as you loosely wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Oh, Timmy" you spoke softly, placing a sweet kiss on his forehead, his eyes fluttering shut at your loving actions.

"I'm sorry Y/n" he spoke, moving his head to the side, looking at your beautiful face.

"For what?" you asked as your eyebrows slightly furrowed together in confusion.

"For-for tolerating me and my insomnia, Y/n.." he told you as he looked away, "I-I'm just always such a mess a-and sometimes I just look at you and I think of how much I don't deserve you. It makes me nervous that you'll leave me for someone better".

His head sagged down, as he finished his confession, ashamed to look up at your beautiful eyes.

You bent down to his face and placed a short, slow kiss on his lips.

You walked around the chair and sat on his lap, lifting his chin up so he could look at you.

"Tim, don't you ever think that you don't deserve me. You are the best person I have ever met. You are sweet. Adorable. Caring" you told him, placing a kiss on his face with every word, "and all of the things I could ever want in a man".

"I love you" you told him with a small smile on your lips.

"I love you too" he spoke as a smile formed on his lips.

You leaned in and kissed him passionately, washing all of his and your worry and insecurities away.

When the two of you pulled away, you rested your forehead against his and pecked his nose.

"Oh god, I love you so much" he told you as he began to pepper kisses down your neck, making your breath hitch in your throat.

You let out a moan as he found your sweet spot and bit into your skin, marking it.

"Tim" you spoke, trying to catch his attention.

"Tim" you called again.

"Hmm?" he asked against your neck.

"Y-you distracted me. Come back to bed".

He frowned as you got off his lap and walked away.

You turned your head to look at him and gestured towards your bedroom with a wink, "You coming Tim?".

He let out a groan and immediately got up, following after you.

"Yes I'm coming" he spoke lowly as he entered the bedroom.

You smirked at him and pulled him closer to you, connecting your lips in a now heated kiss.
You gently traced patterns over his bare chest, loving the feeling of his soft skin.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you even closer, placing a soft kiss on your head.

"I love you Y/n" he told you, his voice husky.

"I love you too Tim" you responded placing a kiss on his chest, before looking up at him lovingly.

"Hey, you wanna go on a date tomorrow?" Tim asked you after a moment of silence.

You rested your chin on his chest and smiled, slightly nodding, "I would love too".

You both snuggled into each other, sighing in contentment.

Everything was going well in both of your lives; and tomorrow, Tim planned to ask you a question that would change your lives.

He was going to propose.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, and have a nice day!


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