"I've Got You"|Kaldur'ahm X Child Reader

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The words in between the [brackets] mean the things the child reader did not catch or seem to notice/understand.

Reader is like 6 or 7.

M/n: Mother's name (random name for your 'mother's' name in this one)

Warning: Abusive Mother (Mostly verbal abuse)


First Person Point of View

I watched as my mommy pulled out my things and packed a lot of them into my favorite back pack.

"Are we goin' on vacay?" I asked curiously, giggling when she looked up at me with wide [crazed] eyes and nodded frantically.

"Y-yes, that's c-correct, baby" she told me before [nervously] laughing. 

"Yay!" I cheered happily, raising my arms in the air and wiggling my fingers.

I continued to watch mommy hurry around the apartment, until she grabbed my jacket and [impatiently] motioned for me to come.

I skipped towards her and slipped my arms into my f/c jacket, zipping it up all the way to the top.

"Come on now, hurry Y/n or I- we'll be late" she told me with a [forced] smile.

"Okay momma" I smiled, following her to the elevator.

When we got in the elevator she pressed the close button first and then pressed the first floor button a couple of times.

"Why did you do that mommy?" I asked her curiously.

"It makes it go faster so I can get ri- so we can get there faster" she spoke as she [roughly] grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the elevator.

She walked out of the apartment complex quickly, making me almost run to catch up with her long strides.

"Slow down mommy!" I spoke, breathing heavily.

She dragged me behind her and growled, "You're so slow Y/n, you can never do anything right!".

My eyes widened and began to water as my bottom lip quivered.

Mommy looked back at me and her face immediately twisted into disgust.

"Don't cry Y/n" she rolled her eyes at me, "At least try to be less pathetic".

The tears streamed down my face and I let out a sob.

Mommy yanked my hair and picked me up, throwing me over her shoulder roughly, making my stomach hit her shoulder.

I cried louder as my stomach and head began to hurt.

She continued walking for about ten minutes and stopped once we were outside of a light bluish grayish house.

I was about to comment about the nice color when I remembered that momma was mad at me, and sniffled.

She walked up the couple of steps the house had and placed me down on my feet on the porch.

She handed me my back pack and I slipped it on with a slight smile tugging at my lips, wiping away my last tears.

She looked down at her watch and quickly knocked on the door loudly.

"Ugh hurry the f**k up Kaldur" momma muttered.

I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth, "Momma you said a bad word".

"Shut up god damn it!" she yelled at me, making my eyes water again.

Before either of us could mutter another word the door opened, revealing a tall man.

"M/n?" his eyes widened and I noticed they were the same color as his house.

Momma gave him a mean look [glare] and opened her mouth to speak.

"Kaldur" a look of disgust crossed over her face, "you still as horrible as the last time I saw you".

I frowned at her mean words.

The man frowned deeply and opened his mouth to answer when he saw me.

He looked at me for a few seconds before recollecting his thoughts and turning back to momma, "What do you want? Have you decided that you have not hurt me enough?".

Momma scoffed, "You're not worth all the effort. You trash fu-" "Momma you're a bully!" I let out, not wanting her to insult the man further. He didn't do anything to her.

"Oh yeah, that's your little b*st*rd, worthless and stupid just like you" she spat.

"Momma stop!" I screamed, covering my ears with my hands.

"You're such a pathetic cry baby Y/n! This is why I don't love you" she shouted, anger evident in her voice.

"You are here to leave her, correct?" Kaldur asked but continued, "Then just leave, do not cause us any more trouble".

He picked me up and took me inside of his house, closing the door behind him.

He set me down on a chair and kneeled down in front of me.

"It's okay to cry" he spoke after a short while, "Let it all out".

I sniffed, wiping away my tears with the back of my hands.

He raised his hand and wiped my remaining tears away with his thumb, "Y/n, correct?" he asked me.

I nodded in response and he continued, "I am Kaldur'ahm; and also your father" he held his hand out and I grabbed it, shaking it.

"C-can I call you daddy?" I asked him nervously.

I saw a smile form on his lips and he gave me a nod, "Of course".

A big grin broke out on my face and I burst into tears.

Joyful tears streamed down my face and I covered my face with my hands as my body shook with my sobs.

Daddy wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair lovingly, "It's okay, I've got you".

And in those first few minutes I had known him, I knew he was telling the truth.

And soon; I found out what love really was.

Well I think this imagine was cute ^. .^

I hope you enjoyed it and thank you all so much for reading and for all of the votes, you guys are fabulous!

I hope you all have a magnificent day!

 -mgBookLover out!

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