How you meet~ Superboy|Conner Kent

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First Person POV

Walking through the halls of the school, I head towards my locker. I take out the books I need for my classes and place the ones I don't need back, then I head to first period. I turn the hallway and immediately crash into a hard chest. My books fall everywhere and I sigh, as I bend down to pick them all up. The boy with the hard chest bends down as well, helping me pick my books up.

He hands me the final fallen book: my special notebook, which is open to the page where I wrote about the anger management class I was being forced to attend, just my luck. My face grows red as I snatch it out of his hands, "Thanks" I snap, walking away. "Wait!" he yells running after me. I sigh, turning around "Yes?" I ask quietly.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"No I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day, which isn't your fault, and I took my anger out on you" I admitted ashamed. He gives me a small almost smile, "It's okay I do the same thing all the time..and I, uh- also have a problem with my temper...I'm Conner".

"Y/n" I told him with a small shy smile.

"So uh, where are you headed?" he asked me.

"Oh, history class" I tell Conner, realizing he had distracted me from reaching my destination.

"Me too" he told me, walking next to me. We walked through the hall together in a comfortable silence, stepping into the classroom once we reached it and taking our seats.

The bell rang and the teacher began to talk, informing us about our current topic.

And all throughout the day, I smiled, glad to know that I wasn't the only one dealing with anger issues, and that I wasn't a crazy raged freak like everyone else had told me.

Hello.o. I hope you enjoyed this short piece.

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-mgbooklover out

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