gashina|jason todd

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Another song fic. [Gashina]

Song by: Sunmi 

[First Person POV]

Your cold gaze is killing me

"W-what?" I stuttered out, my heart dropping and beginning to beat faster simultaneously.

"You heard me" Jason shrugged, "I'm tired of you; you're oblivious- nothing new really".

"Huh?" I asked meekly, my eyes watering as my lip quivered slightly.

Jason rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Get over yourself and grow up so you can get it through your thick skull: I don't like you- I'm breaking up with you".

His icy blue eyes pierced through my crumbling soul, gaze so cold that it was slowly killing me.

The flame inside your heart

Why are there only ashes left?

Or were they ashes since long ago? Or were there no ashes at all because there was never a flame to begin with?

Maybe as time went on, the flame began to slowly grow weaker. Until one day it extinguished altogether.

Time must be the answer

I had noticed that as time went on and our relationship continued, Jason began to drift away from me and our bond got thinner and thinner until I was the only one who saw it- or really the only one who prayed and wished that it was just a phase- a part of our relationship that would eventually fade away; that our bond was still there, buried deep beneath the scarce bliss denial offered like the forbidden fruit of the damned tree. It was not a wise choice, but I took it because it was the last option to keep the relationship, and I selfishly craved to keep it- to love someone, and even more- to pretend they loved me too.

I become weaker as time passes by

My legs felt wobbly as I watched him walk out the door, out of my life, and out of our seemingly 'decent' relationship- well at least it seemed like it to me. He had never told me of his change of feelings toward, and in our relationship.

One can not always know how another is feeling without communication, especially if the person with the conflicting feelings can easily put off façades.

Pain of sorrow becomes dull

But deep down I knew. And I knew alright.

I knew that Jason didn't want to be in a relationship anymore- I just didn't know why.

Realization didn't hit me- I already knew but I ignored it. Therefore, the pain quickly became lesser and lesser- until it wasn't there anymore.

Fine, in order to forget you

I should have let him go instead of greedily staying at his side and brushing away his distant behavior.

But I was just so desperate to be loved and held- all of which I was not.

So as I look down at one of the very few photos of us together, I smile and rip it in half.

I'm tired of being upset over not being loved like I deserve to be.

His loss not mine.

I will live like the flowers

I laughed as I threw my hands up in the sky and twirled under the warm golden sun.

The flowers around me stand so beautiful, so beautifully alive.

That's it, I thought to myself happily.

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