My Hero ~ Red Hood (Jason Todd)

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How You Meet:
Warning: Killing and attempted rape

Y/n's P.O.V (First)

I was walking home from a family member's place at night. Night in Gotham. Not the smartest thing I've ever done. But I wasn't exactly known for smart ideas.

I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around but saw nothing. I continued walking, fastening my pace as I felt a presence near. I started to hear footsteps behind me, my heart pounding in my chest. Suddenly I was pulled back and thrown into an alleyway. My heart sunk and my gut reaction was to immediately scream. The male covered my mouth as hot tears began to go down my cheeks rapidly. "Shh. Wouldn't want anyone to hear ya sweet cheeks" the man spoke into my ear, squeezing my causing me to whimper and let out a strangled sob. He chuckled and took out a knife. My eyes widened and I quickly shut them, hearing and feeling my shirt being ripped. I started to thrash in his hold, successfully kicking his leg. He grunted in response before punching me in the stomach. I hunched over in pain and started to sob harder, the pain becoming overwhelming. There was nothing I could do to stop him. He laughed loudly at my pain and yanked my ripped shirt off, leaving me in my bra. His eyes raked my body as he held onto me with a deadly grip, making me wince. This was it. I was going to be raped and possibly killed. He started to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans while forcefully kissing me. I didn't kiss back and he pulled my hair, making me cry out in pain. The tears didn't stop and I knew they weren't going to.

I suddenly heard two gun shots and the man's grip loosened on me, his hands falling along with his body as it hit the hard concrete. I looked down to see the man that had attempted to rape me, dead, blood coming out of his head. I choked on my tears, hesitantly and slowly looking up.

A man with a red helmet was stood there with a gun in his hand. I crawled back in fear, "P-please don't hurt me". I was still crying and I now had my head turned towards the alley wall my hand covering the side of my face in a stopping motion. I heard his footsteps approaching me slowly but loudly, in an intimidating manner. This is it, this guy saved you from the other but now you have to worry about him. Are his intentions good or bad? You'll find out soon Y/n, hopefully good.....I thought to myself. His footsteps stopped in front of me and I slowly looked up towards him fearfully, by now silent tears were making their way down my face. I calmed down when he just stared down at me but panicked when he took off his leather jacket. I flinched as he brought it near me. "Are you going to take it? or walk around semi naked" his robotic voice asked. I hesitantly reached out to grab it, putting it on I was met by the slight scent of cigarettes and cologne, but the mix went together perfectly. I snuggled into it and looked up to see his outstretched hand. Taking it, I thanked him "Th-Thank you" stuttering, but I was still thanking the somewhat kind man. He hadn't blown my brains out. Yet, a small voice whispered in the back of my mind, be careful, he is not a hero . But neither is Batman, I reminded myself.

I felt a slight tug in my hand, the red helmet dude dragging me after him "Come on". I followed behind him like a shadow, but after some turns he pushed me behind a car and crouched down near it, taking out his guns. I covered my ears just as he began to shoot at someone. "Stay here" he told me before quickly running out. I hoped he wouldn't get killed out there and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting like he had told me to. I heard the metal clang of bullets and swords for a while, until the last thing I heard were gunshots. I assumed he had won and peeked my head out from the side. He shot my way and I quickly ducked, hearing a gasp behind me. I turned around to see a man on the floor near me. Oh my god. This red helmet dude had saved my life twice.

He walked towards me and I immediately noticed a cut, most likely from the sword, going down his arm. I gasped and pulled him towards my apartment, walking fast as he shadowed me this time. I opened the main door and got my apartment keys out of my pocket to open the apartment door. After I opened it I pulled him inside and closed the door, sitting him down on the couch. I rushed  to get the first aid kit in my bathroom, knowing he was injured. I returned in a hurry, asking him to roll up his sleeve so I could tend to his cut. His actions surprised me as he took of his helmet and his shirt right after. He saw me looking at him and smirked, "Try not to get too distracted". I rolled my eyes at his arrogance and took out a small disinfecting pad, slightly pressing it on his broken skin. He hissed in pain and I immediately apologized, "Sorry". He stared at me strangely and I eventually looked into his mask. "What"? "Why are you helping me"? His question caught me off guard. "Well...because you needed help and you saved my life" I replied honestly. He nodded and hummed in response.

When I finished I put on a bandage and asked him if he felt good enough to leave. He chucked at my concern, "I'm the Red Hood. I'm pretty sure I can handle, but thanks for your concern". So that's his "name". I blushed mumbling a quiet 'okay' and looking down, embarrassed. I felt him put his hand under my chin, "Don't be embarrassed, your concern is adorable". He got up and put his shirt back on, I was watching his every move. He came over to me and kissed my forehead, "Thanks beautiful" before putting his helmet on. "Good night" I told him, already disappointed he was leaving. What?! I had no friends okay (me). He walked to the door and I thought he was gonna ignore me until he turned around, "Good night Y/n". I smiled and he closed the door, leaving the building. I froze once I realized something. I never told him my name. And he forgot his jacket. I smiled just thinking of his smell, I have his jacket to remember his hero-like actions towards me. Even if he isn't a hero, he's my hero.

I hope you liked this preference that I spent a while on, sorry for the long wait. And thank you so much for reading and have a Robinful day! I have nothing else to say/type!.....

                        -mgBookLover out!

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