Miss Martian X Reader

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Y/n: Your name

*First Person Point of View/ Your Point of View*

I entered the cave whistling, as the zeta beam machine announced my presence. I immediately smelled something delicious and grinned, knowing M' Gann had made cookies.

I walked to the kitchen and sighed happily as I saw M' Gann taking them out of the oven. She turned around at the sound of my sigh, a bright smile on her face as always.

"Oh hey Y/n!" She greeted me cheerfully. "Hey M' Gann" I answered her back with a smile, "How's life on Earth been going for you"? I ask her taking a cookie and biting into it. "It's kind of confusing, but I'm grateful I have you and the team" she admitted, taking a cookie for herself. I quickly finished my cookie and smile at her "You'll get the hang of it. And by the way amazing cookies M' Gann, how'd you learn to make them, I can't bake to save my life".

"Oh! It's episode number-- uh I watched a video" she told me, "and I'm sure you're not that bad at baking".

I gave her a 'really' look before speaking, as I saw she did not look convinced, "I'm not allowed to bake at home anymore because I almost burned down the house".

Her eyes widened and she looked at the counter, "Oh..".

"Yep" I answered back, debating whether or not I should ask her out.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Were you going to say something, Y/n?" M' Gann asked me, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah uh, w-would you like to um, m-maybe go see a movie together sometime?" I asked, quickly adding "If you want, you don't have to".

She smiled and responded, "Sure, I would love to Y/n".

"M-maybe Friday?- if that's good for you!" I stuttered out, blushing bright red.

"Yeah, Friday is good" she responded.

"Alright" I nodded, "Well uh- goodbye M' Gann, I'll see you around".

I smiled and raised my fist in the air as I walked to the zeta beams, "Yes!" I silently cheered, happy I decided to do it.

M' Gann giggled and sighed dreamily as she leaned her elbows on the island (table).

"I can't wait" she squealed, going to her room to try and think of an outfit to wear.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a glorious day!

                         -mgBookLover out!

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