Saved~ Red Hood|Jason Todd

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Waring: Attempted suicide and bad thoughts- don't worry it's not a sad ending
Jason wanted to scream. He wanted to let out all the anger that was currently trying to consume his entire being.

He was so  angry at himself for being so goddamn useless.

He let out a dark growl and shoved open the warehouse door. He noisily stomped in, not caring anymore.

If anyone was inside, they'd kill him, but it would be okay because no one would care if he died again. He was a failure.

He slumped down against a wall, sitting down. He put his hands over his head, looking down at the dirty floor.

Here, by himself and away from everyone, he let himself break. He finally let all of the tears that had gathered from weeks of hateful comments and dirty looks out.

He sobbed quietly as he thought of all the horrid things he had been through, letting in the dark thoughts.

I can kill myself here, end it all, and I can rest.

He took out his gun and stared at it for a few minutes, contemplating whether or not he should do it.

Finally deciding, he pulled the gun and placed it by his temple, taking a deep breath before placing his finger on the trigger.

The sound of his phone ringing startled him, causing him to drop the gun.

He hastily pulled it out from his jacket pocket and saw the caller ID.

He took a deep breath before answering, "Hey". He tried his very best to make his voice sound normal, as if he wasn't going to commit suicide seconds prior.

"Hey Jaybird!" the voice responded. Jason smiled weakly at the sound of their voice.

"Are you doing anything right now?" their calming voice asked him.

"Mhm" Jason mumbled back without thinking, his eyes closed as their voice soothed and calmed him.

"Oh" their disappointed voice spoke, causing Jason to open his eyes and sit up straighter. 

"I mean- no, nothing important" Jason caught himself saying.

"You sure Jay?".

Jason nodded although they couldn't see him, "Mhm, yep".

"Cool, wanna hang out, my house- pizza and a movie?" they asked him.

Jason could hear the smile on their face, making him smile.

"Sure, that sounds awesome- just what I needed" someone who cares, he thought to himself.

"I'll be over in ten" he told them, getting himself up from the dirty floor.

"Great! I'll wait for you" they spoke, enthusiasm clear in their voice.

Jason said goodbye before hanging up. He sighed happily before looking back at the gun on the floor.

He slowly walked to it and picked it up, but this time with no bad intentions nor thoughts.

He walked out of the warehouse and towards his motorcycle. He then got on it, put his helmet on and sped away towards Y/n's apartment.


Jason took off his helmet and got off his motorcycle. He placed the helmet in the space under the seat, and walked into Y/n's apartment complex.

He stepped into the elevator, patiently waiting for it to get to Y/n's floor. Once the doors opened he stepped out of the elevator and went to Y/n's door.

Just as he lifted his hand to knock the door swung open and he was met by a smiling Y/n.

Their smile made his heart flutter and he didn't have time to process what was happening when Y/n pulled him inside the apartment.

Jason laughed as he let himself be pulled to the couch, there Y/n put on their favorite movie and opened the pizza box.

Jason's mouth slightly opened as he realized they had actually waited for him.

"What?" Y/n asked self conscious as they pulled the pizza away from their mouth.

"You really waited for me" Jason sounded so shocked, that Y/n wondered if someone had ever started a movie night without him.

"Yes, why wouldn't I" Y/n asked him, now confused.

"Be-because I'm not..a very important person" he confessed, a frown forming on his beautiful face.

"Jason" Y/n spoke as they placed their slice of pizza down and scooted closer to him, "Don't you ever say that about yourself ever again, you are the most important person in my entire life. You make me smile when I'm feeling down, you make my day by being you- you make my life by existing and being my friend!" they told him.

Jason looked into their eyes and broke. The tears left his eyes before he could even realize it and he put his head down in shame.

"C-can I tell you something?" Jason asked them, looking up to see their reaction.

They looked genuinely concerned and nodded, "Of course, anything".

Jason took a deep breath before looking them in the eyes. 

"I was going to kill myself today, but then you called me. I thought no one cared, but you proved me wrong, you wanted to hang out with me.. You made me smile and change my mind about ending my life. You saved me" he whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Y/n's vision blurred as tears threatened to leave their eyes at Jason's confession.

"So thank you Y/n" Jason finished, his blue eyes boring into Y/n's e/c eyes.

Y/n suddenly wrapped their arms around Jason in the warmest hug he has ever had. He did not pull away, instead wrapping his arms around them tight.

"Don't thank me for that Jason, thank yourself for realizing that someone does care".

Y/n eventually let go, slowly and rested their forehead against Jason's.

Jason's eyes fluttered close and he let out a small breath.

"C-can I kiss you?" he quietly asked Y/n.

He felt them slightly nod against him and then they connected their lips to Jason's.

The kiss was passionate, as they spilled all of their emotions into it.

When they both pulled away with a smile on their faces, Y/n spoke up.

"How about we eat this pizza tomorrow and go cuddle" Jason nodded, a small smile on his face.

Y/n got up and put the cold pizza in the fridge before going to their room.

They got on the bed and under the covers, and Jason snuggled into their side.

Y/n turned around and placed a small kiss on Jason's forehead before wrapping their arms around him.

The two peacefully fell asleep, thankful for one another.

1058 words and not edited, but I'll edit soon.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day or night.

   -mgBookLover out.

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