Your First Kiss

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Robin (Dick Grayson) :

You two had just gotten back from a fun date to the carnival (I'm not very original, but I try, sometimes, sorry) and he was walking you home. "Thank you," you say surprising him. "For what?" "For a fun day, and you know, for being you," you said.

You both stop in front of your house. He laughed his beautiful laugh (yasss). "Well then I should thank you for agreeing to go out with me," he smiled. You held back a smile as you rolled your eyes, before letting a burst of confidence pull him in for a kiss. He was surprised but slowly kissed back. You put your hands on his chest sliding them up and down as his hands cupped your cheeks. You kissed for a while and finally pulled away for air, resting your forehead against his. He pecked your lips, "Good night, beautiful." "Goodnight my wonder," you smiled.

Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm) :

"Kaldur," you squealed. He was currently spraying you with the water hose. He chuckled as you pouted, shivering when a breeze came. He slowly walked closer to you and you took a step back for every step he took forward. Your back touched the fence and he took his last step. Your noses were now touching, and his lips looked so good up close. You quickly pulled him down to you by his neck and connected your lips. He kissed back almost immediately, dropping the hose and wrapping his arms around your waist. The whole water fight forgotten, much to your advantage. "Ah--Y/n!" "Never let your guard down fish boy!"

Kid Flash (Wally West) :

"Wally," you whispered poking his cheek. "Wake up sleepy head" you said directly in his ear. His lips twitched and he took a deep breath, yawning. He turned over in the small bed, which unfortunately led to him falling on the floor with a thump! And a groan. You gasped and giggled as you peeked your head over the side of the bed staring at him. He looked up at you and grabbed your wrists pulling you down with him. You yelped in surprise and he laughed in response, music to your ears. Leaning down you pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. "How bout a kiss on the lips?" He grinned. You giggled and pecked his lips to which he responded to by pulling you down by your neck for a sweet kiss. Your lips molded together and he leaned up to follow you when you leaned back to pull away. Eventually you had to break away for oxygen (sadly). His eyes sparkled when he looked at you smiling and blushing like strawberry ice cream. His stomach growled and you threw your head back laughing. He pouted and sat up stealing another kiss from you, which you certainly did not mind.

Superboy (Conner Kent) :
3rd Person Perspective

They were writing in their notebook, a story they had just thought of. They smiled as they wrote, spilling their mind and heart out on the paper. He watched them, admiring their features from afar. They looked up and their eyes met. They smiled at him and he looked away blushing.

A slight frown made its way to their face. What did they do to make Conner not be able to even look at them? Maybe they were overthinking things. They often made sure to check things over twice, thrice, even four times. Did they somehow upset Conner? Chewing on the inside of their cheek, they tried to not let the negative thoughts take over.

He noticed this, immediately feeling guilt wash over him. He slowly got up and walked towards them, but it only made them think the worst. They started breathing heavily until they were coughing and gasping to catch their breath, tears now blurring their vision. Conner didn't know what to do, all he knew was that he needed to get their breathing back to normal.

He gently grasped their face and turned it towards him, planting his lips on theirs. They stayed still while he kissed them and a few seconds later he pulled away, embarrassed. "I- I'm sorry," he stuttered backing away. They sat in shock at what had just happened before suddenly gaining confidence, both from his actions and the story they were writing about a confident person, and they stood up.

They walked over to him, placed their hands on his chest gently, and pressed their lips against his softly. The kiss was short and sweet. When they pulled away Conner was blushing, before he recovered and wrapped his arms around them in a hug. 

"Thank goodness Y/n, I thought I just made a huge mistake and you would hate me," Conner admitted into their neck.

"So I'm not the only overthinker here, huh?" they questioned with a smile on their face.


WE GOT 1K READS!!!! WOOT!!WOOT!! PEOPLE READ MY BOOK!!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I'll stop with the caps lock now...thank you...I hope you enjoyed this!

Have a wonderful, magical, beautiful, fabulous day!!!...or night..

                               -mgBookLover out

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