a bother|tim drake

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{Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, soft angst}

First Person/Your Point of View

I smiled as soon as I saw Tim enter the classroom. This was my chance.

"Hey partner!" I greeted cheerfully.

He forced a smile and muttered a quiet, "Hi" as he sat down in his assigned seat- next to me.

My smile fell a bit. Even though I know he would never sit next to me willingly- no one would sit next to me willingly, I thought maybe he'd be okay with it and maybe even become my friend.

The bell rang and the professor began their lesson.

I listened and took notes as the teacher explained everything.

But I still couldn't get it.

I slouched in my seat and sighed as I stared at my notes, confused out of my mind.

I quietly talked to myself, going over my notes to try and make sense of everything I had just written.

"Could you shut up?" Tim whispered harshly, making me flinch.

"Sorry" I whispered back sheepishly.

He scoffed and turned back to his work, a scowl on his face.

I frowned and pressed my lips together in a thin line, blinking repeatedly to keep the tears from falling.

Those pathetic tears that always seemed to find their way out one way or another.

I dropped my pencil and furiously rubbed my eyes, trying to wipe away the tears.

My pencil rolled off of my desk and fell down onto the floor.

I sighed and pushed my chair back a bit, enough for me to bend down to grab my pencil.

As I got back up I hit my head on my desk.

I winced, the desk rattling and bumping into Tim's desk, causing his coffee- which was to the right side of his desk [Y/n's desk is to the right as well]- to spill; landing on me.

I let out a cry of pain as the hot liquid burned my skin, soaking and staining my white shirt.

"My coffee!? Really Y/n?!" Tim huffed angrily, pushing his chair back roughly, "on top of being stupid- which makes you basically useless- you're also clumsy!".

"And to add on top of all of that you are always so annoying! Always wanting to be seen!" He added harshly.

"I-I'm sorry" I whimpered, my tears blurring my vision.

"Sure you are you attention wh-" "Mr. Drake!".

I pressed my lips tightly together in an attempt to stop the sob I felt crawling up my throat.

It instead came out muffled and I quickly scrambled up, grabbing my books and stuffing them in my book bag.

I ignored everyone around me, trying to block everything out as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

I ignored the laughter, the worried voice of the professor, and the angry voice scolding Tim.

I ran out of the room, pressing my hand to my mouth to try and muffle my sobs.


"Why would you say that to them?!" he yelled at Tim, furious.

Tim opened his mouth, ready to spew out pathetic excuses.

"You want to know why Y/n always tries so hard to be seen? To be fucking noticed?!" he asked Tim angrily.

He continued, not waiting for a response,  "Because they're being ignored at home! Being blamed for their brother's suicide!".

Tim's eyes widened and he opened and closed his mouth, searching for the right words.

"I-I d-di-" "Yeah, you didn't know" he cut Tim off, glaring at him.

"But guess what Timmy boy? You can't take back what you said. Your words can't be undone! Even if I strangle you with my bare hands!" he growled indignantly.

"Mr. Wa-" .

The brown eyed boy slammed his hands down onto his desk violently, cutting off the professor.

He looked at the teacher with a dark look in his eyes and spoke lowly, "No professor, I don't think you understand".

He grabbed his book bag and rushed out of the classroom turning his head both ways to try and see if he could catch a glimpse of Y/n or an idea of where they ran off.

He ignored the shouts of the professor telling him to 'get back in the classroom right this instant young man'.

He saw Y/n's [f/c] pen on the floor, to the right of the hallway.

He ran towards the pen and picked it up, immediately running out of the building through the exit on that side.

He let out a sigh of relief as he caught sight of Y/n, running towards them as fast as his legs could take him.

"Y/n! Y/n!".


Tim looked down at the floor, staring at the spilled coffee in shame.

How could he?

He just disrespected Y/n without reason, without knowing their story.

He shouldn't even have disrespected them ever- no matter their story.

There was that saying about treating people right because you don't know what they've been through or what they are going through.

He hadn't known about their brother's suicide, or that they were being blamed for it- mistreated because of it.

And he had made their life worse.

His entire being pulsed with regret and shame.

Can you guess who he is? You probably can't but that was kind of the point...

Thank you for reading! ^ . . ^

I hope you have a pleasant day!

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