Place to Stay~ Robin|Damian Wayne

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First Person/Your Point of View

I tossed and turned in my sleep, trying to get comfortable in my cold bed.

I eventually sighed, giving up. So I laid there on my bed, cold, staring at the ceiling, while thinking about the next day.

I let out a deep breath and slowly closed my eyes, however quickly opened them once I heard my apartment door open.

I got up and walked out of my bedroom, rubbing my eyes as I flipped the light switch on.

"Damian?" I spoke as I yawned.

His [blue/green/whatever-color-you-imagine-them-and-don't-argue-with-me] eyes met mine as he gently shut the door.

"I am sorry I woke you beloved" he told me, wrapping his arms around me and putting his nose in the crook of my neck.

"No, you didn't wake me Damian" I replied back, as I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

He frowned and pulled away at my words, placing his hands on my shoulders, "You're still having trouble sleeping?".

I sighed and pulled away from his loose grip, turning away from him.

"Yes...let's just go to bed, yeah?" I asked him.

I didn't wait for a response as I grabbed his hand and lead him into the room.

We both got on the bed and pulled the covers over us.

He laid facing me, and played with my fingers.

I used my other hand to run my fingers through his soft, black locks.

"Dami? Do you wanna talk about it?" I softly asked him as I took my hand out of his hair and gently stroked his cheek.

"Not really" he answered honestly as he let go of my hand and pulled my body against his, wrapping his arms around me in a tight and warm embrace.

I pressed a loving kiss to his cheek, gently rubbing his back to calm him. I knew him well enough to know that he was boiling with anger inside although he appeared calm and collected.

After a while, Damian quietly spoke up, "We fought again. It was for an idiotic reason".

I knew what he meant by that. Bruce and Damian had recently been fighting, both verbally and physically over their nightly activities to small little things like a dirty bedroom or a misplaced gadget.

I had told Damian he could come over any time he wanted and I'd gladly let him in, I even gave him a spare key.

"Don't stress over it, Damian. You know how your father is, just try to ignore him if he tries to start a fight, you know he's stressed too".

Damian hummed against my neck and pressed a kiss on it.

"Go to sleep babe, stop worrying yourself" I gently told him.

"Thank you. Goodnight beloved" he spoke as he nuzzled his nose into my neck.

"Goodnight Dame" I replied back, running my fingers through his hair in a soothing manner to lull him to sleep.

When he finally fell asleep, I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest.

I peacefully fell asleep to the steady up and down movement his chest made as he breathed.

This one was kind of short, 535 words, but I like it.

I hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for reading!!

   -mgBookLover out·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·

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