Jason's Child|Batbrothers

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3rd Person Point of View

The doorbell rang just before the door was thrown open by an overly excited Dick Grayson. Trailing behind him were his two brothers, Tim Drake drinking coffee, and Damian Wayne glaring at everything in sight. Tim closed the door just as Jason came rushing down the stairs. He let out a relieved sigh at the sight of his brothers, "Thank god, this is the first time- and most likely the last- I'm so happy to see you all". "Todd" Damian spoke as he looked Jason up and down, his nose scrunched up in obvious disgust. "Nope, never mind. Just Dick and Tim" Jason spoke as he narrowed his eyes at the youngest brother.

"Oh my god! You called me Tim and not Replacement!" Tim realized and he happily smiled. Jason was about to respond when a baby cry interrupted him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, rushing up the stairs. As he reached the top he turned back, motioning his brothers to follow him and impatiently waited for them. He opened the door and when they all stepped in, their mouths were wide open at the adorable baby in front of them, except Damian of course.

"Oh my god!" Tim squealed as he ran towards the baby and stared at in awe, his hands nearing the baby but slowly retreating back, he repeated these actions again, unsure if he could hold the baby or not. "C-can I?" He asked Jason who was looking at him weirdly. "No, you can't touch my baby, it's mine" Jason replied with a straight face. Tim's face fell and he took his hands away from the small human. "I was joking" Jason spoke as Tim quickly lifted the baby into his arms, before realizing what he had said. His three brothers turned to him with a look of confusion and slight horror. "Then who's baby is it, Todd?" Damian asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "It's my baby, I was joking about the 'you can't touch my baby' part" Jason frowned at them all, annoyed at the fact that they still didn't believe it was his.

The little girl giggled in Tim's arms and raised a little hand to touch his nose. Tim scrunched it up in response, which caused the little girl to giggle some more. Tim looked just as happy as the little girl and Dick was quick to take out his phone, snapping a couple pictures.  As soon as Dick was done taking the pictures, he took the baby out of Tim's arms and raised it in the air in front of him. "Who's an adorable little baby? You're an adorable little baby. Oh yes you are! You-" Damian cut the eldest brother off. "She is a baby Grayson, not a dog". Dick pouted and pulled the baby close to his chest, hugging the little girl. He put his hands on her bum, so she wouldn't fall and noticed her diaper was slightly soggy.

"Hey Jason? I think your baby needs her diaper changed". Jason groaned and ran a hand over his face, "Help me". He got all of the necessary supplies and gently placed the baby on the floor over a blanket, before proceeding to gently peel the diaper off of her. He wiped her up with a baby wipe and as he threw out the diaper, the little girl crawled out of the room. "Shoot, where did she go"? They all went into the hallway and looked around but saw no baby. Jason sighed deeply, "Dick stay here just in case she comes back, Damian search the bedroom, and Tim help me search every other room on this floor". They all nodded and went their separate ways, as Dick stayed in the nursery.

Damian went into his brother's room and immediately spotted the baby's figure behind a curtain, playing with an object. He pulled the curtain back and his eyes widened as he quickly swiped the gun from the baby's hands. The little girl reached for it, but Damian threw it on the bed and lifted the baby up into his arms, making sure to keep her arms distance away and closed his eyes. She whined and stretched her hands out towards it but Damian just walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "I found your child, Todd" he spoke loudly, walking back into the nursery, his eyes still closed. His brothers rushed in soon after, but did not take the baby from his hands. "Why are you not taking your baby back, Todd?" He asked as he peeked his eyes opened and looked up at the wall. He heard the ripping of something and the opening of a package. "Because it's easier to put her diaper on while you're holding her; and why are you being so childish? So what she's a girl, and yeah she has a-" Dick cut Jason off with a cough. As they were applying cream to the baby Damian slowly looked down and at the little girl's face. She smiled at him and leaned in closer, licking his cheek. Damian let out a groan as Tim laughed at him. "Shut up Drake" he growled at his older brother, a light blush forming on his bronze skin.

Once they were finished, Jason took the baby from Damian and Jason swore he felt Damian hold his baby girl tighter. Damian would never let it show, but he kind of wanted to carry the little girl. His want to carry her grew even more as he watched his older brother gazing at her as if she were a little princess- if she was, she was his little princess. Damian immediately looked down at the floor with a frown on his face, she already had people to love her- she probably didn't need him. He slowly retreated away from the baby and behind Dick.

All of the brothers were shocked as they watched Jason walk up to Damian and offer him his little princess, to hold. Damian accepted quickly but tried to regain his composure before opening his arms for the baby. He stared at the baby as she gave him a toothless grin.

His older brothers watched as his lips twitched upwards into only a hint of a smile, but it was a start; and they accepted that. Just like they accepted him.

1061 words. That was kind of long but I really liked it! I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you all so much for all the reads and votes! Have an epic day! (Or night!)
                    -mgBookLover out.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·

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