Weird Dream (Zombie Apocalypse Note)

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Hi!:) I just wanted to share my crazy dream with you all. Lately my brother has been watching the walking dead, (because they posted new episodes on Netflix) and I go to his room and watch them with him (much to his dismay). And yesterday I wrote a Red Arrow imagine. So in my dream there was a zombie apocalypse and there was a big group of people in one place. My fourth grade teacher was there, and I don't even know why I dreamt her! I didn't even like her! Well, anyways she had my music teacher's (present) drum. She was saving it from the zombies..... I mean, people have different ideas of valuables, but a drum? A DRUM!?!?

So we made too much noise so they knew we were there, we had to evacuate. So my fourth grade teacher goes in front of me with a drum and kind of like, leads the way. In this dream I'm older, Red Arrow's age. So at the end of this dream I gave birth to Red Arrow's child.... I mean I don't mind having his kid, but I was just like, what did I just dream?

Thanks for reading it! I hope you enjoyed my weird dream. (Can I have Red Arrow's kid without the zombie apocalypse?)

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