Waiting~ Superboy|Conner Kent

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Third Person Point of View

They sighed, bored, "Why do we have a day off, again"?

Their upper half is on the couch seat and their legs are over the top of the couch. They sigh, and suddenly realize that they are slipping down and off the couch. Too late.

They let out a small scream and close their eyes, waiting for the pain from the impact on the hard ground. But it never came; instead they feel a gust of wind go by, and arms under their knees and back.

They opened their eyes and saw beautiful green eyes staring right back at them. "Wally!" they squealed. "Yes, beautiful?" Wally asked back with a big smile as they hit his chest, a smile growing on their lips, "Put me down, please". He nodded and quickly put them down, flashing them an open mouthed grin.

He immediately ran over to Artemis and told her something with a flirtatious grin, to which she responded by rolling her eyes.

Their smile disappeared as fast as Wally had, replaced by a disappointed frown. They sighed as they stared at Wally, trying to think of what was so awesome about him, besides the fact that he was Wally. They knew that they weren't his first or second choice, they stood no chance.

Wally was just so-

Conner slammed his hands down on his lap creating a loud noise, breaking Y/n out of their thoughts. They turned their head towards Conner to see him fuming, an angry frown on his face as he stood up.

"Are you okay?" they asked him with a worried expression, stepping closer to him.

"Just fine" he snapped before he stomped off.

"Sheesh, what's got him in a bad mood?- better question, what doesn't get him in a bad mood" Wally asked with furrowed eyebrows.

They shrugged and looked at the direction Conner had disappeared, most likely headed to his room.

"I'll try to find out" they stated.

The team all wished them good luck as they walked down the hall and towards his room.

They knocked on his door gently, knowing he would hear. "Conner, can I come in?" They asked him in a calm voice.

"I don't know, can you?" he snapped back angrily.

They bit back their comment and corrected themselves, "May I come in, Conner? I just want to know what's wrong".

The door slowly opened, revealing Conner and his neat room. His action invited them in, but the cold expression on his face did not. They waited until Conner's face softened and he opened the door wider. They smiled slightly as they walked in.

Conner gently closed the door and turned towards Y/n. He was caught of guard as they wrapped their arms around his waist.

"W-what are you doing?" he questioned, confused and slightly panicked.

"It looked like you needed a hug" they whispered, their head against his chest.

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around their body, tucking their head under his chin. Conner inhaled their sweet scent subtly, as they did the same to him.

They let go after a while, leaving him craving her scent more than ever.

The looked at him with warm (e/c) eyes that made him melt inside every time they met eyes.

"What's wrong Conner?" they asked him softly, caressing his cheek.

Conner leaned into their comforting embrace, his eyes gently closing as he nuzzled his cheek into their hand.

"Con?" they questioned. His blue eyes snapped open, taking notice of Y/n's raised eyebrow and small smile.

"Uh, w-what was the question again?" Conner asked them with a light blush making it's way onto his cheeks; not only because he was caught, but also the nickname they called him.

They chuckled lightly before replying seriously, "I asked if anything was wrong".

"Oh, it's, uh- nothing really. Nothing important" he told them, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

They eyed him skeptically, making him weak in the knees, so he sat down on the edge of his bed.

Conner put his head in his hands and took a deep breath.

How would he tell them if they didn't even acknowledge him?

What if they didn't feel the same way about him?

What if he told them and made a fool of himself?

What if they didn't want to talk to him afterwards because of the awkwardness?

What if, what if?

So lost in his own thoughts, Conner didn't notice them approaching him, or the fact that he was talking out loud.

They crouched down to be his sitting height and leaned in, softly kissing him.

His eyes were wide open and his hands frozen in the air out of surprise.

Seconds passed and he soon realized what was going on, wrapping his muscular arms around their waist and kissing back with want and need.

He not only wanted them- he craved them, he needed them. To the point where some days he would wake up angry at Wally for being himself and for being alive.

To Conner's dismay, they pulled back quickly, making him think he did something wrong.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" they cut him off with a wave of their hands. They turned around, their back facing Conner.

He heard them sniffle and realized they were crying. They turned around after they had wiped their tears away and met his gaze with apologetic eyes.

"C-Conner" they spoke, their voice cracking as tears flooded their eyes.

They blinked them away and cleared their throat before continuing, "I'm, sorry......for leading you on". Conner's heart dropped at those words that left their lips. He lowered his head, as he looked at the floor in disappointment.

"I just" they sighed, tears threatening to break free out of their eyes, "I'm not ready right now".

Conner's head lifted up, and his face now held hope.

Maybe for the future?

"I'm emotionally unstable at the moment...I'm...trying to get over a stupid crush" they whispered, smiling bitterly at the thought, a few tears escaping.

"On Wally" Conner finished, his eyebrows furrowed angrily.

"The guy who ignores you, the guy who flirts with everything that has a gosh dang heart beat!" Conner shouted, causing them to flinch. But he continued nevertheless, "I would get it if it were someone else, but him? You deserve way more! Heck, more than me" he spoke, sadly whispering the last thing as his insecurities screamed at him, almost swallowing him alive.

"But I'm an idiot. I fell for you, and you ignored me too, in a way. I fell hard before I could even blink and here I am. I knew I would not get you, but I still had hope, and I'll keep it, until you're ready....I'll wait for you" Connor finished pouring his heart out for them, bitter tears making their way to the corners of his blue eyes.

They sniffled and a small smile graced their features, "Thank you Conner, for understanding. I don't deserve someone like you".

He smiled sadly and got up to pull them into a hug.

"Shh, I'm an angry clone, trust me, you deserve way better" he told them, placing a soft kiss on their forehead.

They shook their head stubbornly and rested their head on his chest, "You're more than enough".

1185 words. Ugh, I feel bad for updating so late. I've had this in my notebook for a while but hadn't typed it yet, however I did add a lot. I would always get distracted and end up doing something else. I hope it's alright, I liked it.

Thank you for reading!

    -mgBookLover out!

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