My Jewel《Red Arrow》

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|Joker+Harley Quinn's child X Red Arrow|

First Person POV

I quietly enter the jewelry store daddy sent me to. Apparently when mom wants something I get it. I don't mind though, adventures are fun. The thrill of the kill. "Except I haven't killed anyone yet" I whisper to myself before giggling "Yet".

I tuck a strand of [your/hair/color] hair behind my ear and walk towards the jewel. I reach into my bag to get the proper tool to break the glass, when I hear sirens.

"Meanies, they don't alert me for my own party"! I pout before taking out my gun. No need to be sneaky anymore, I think to myself as I slam it into the glass and take the jewel.

Police officers run in, aiming their guns at me and shining their flashlights in my face. I shoot four police officers and laugh as I dodge bullets.

"You can't get me! Na, na ,na ,na ,na "! I stick my tongue out at them before jumping up high and grabbing the chandelier, using it to swing back and forth in the store.

"I'm gonna swing from the chandelier!" I shout, laughing right after. Man I'm hilarious!

I kicked and knocked out all the officers that were dumb enough to come near. Correction; all of them.

Jumping down I look around and see one standing man holding a bow and arrow, Red Arrow.

"Red Arrow! How nice of you to visit, but I think I'm leaving now" I tell him. "Why so soon"? He yelled as he began shooting arrows at me.

"I think I've had my fun" I giggle, as I ducked an arrow "but for you, I'll make an acception " I winked at him and started to saunter towards him.

"You're trapped anyways! Just give up, [villain/name]" he yells. I let him use his last arrow before smirking and skipping towards him. He backs away reaching for a non existent arrow, and curses as he realizes he finished them all.

"I'm trapped"? I question giggling at his silliness. He backs away until his back hits the wall and lets out a breath. I slowly walk closer to him and lean in, my nose brushing against his. He started to breath heavily as his heart beat faster and I leaned in, connecting our lips. He surprisingly kissed me back. When we pulled back for air I sent him a flirty smile before whispering in his ear, "This was really fun, thanks".

Before he could even respond, I hit him over the head with the butt of my gun, knocking him out from the force.

He fell to the ground and I bent down to peck his lips. "Bye, my jewel" I whispered, giggling before getting up and leaving. Mom is gonna be so proud! I hummed as I began skipping out of the store and towards my "home".

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