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"Ok, ok" Katniss Rivas groaned to the sound of her alarm going off at 7:30am

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"Ok, ok" Katniss Rivas groaned to the sound of her alarm going off at 7:30am. She quickly switched the alarm clock off and threw the covers off and got out of bed. She walked out of her room and into the living/kitchen area and made herself a coffee. "I'm gonna be late but I don't care, I need my coffee" She muttered to herself.


"I know exactly what that polite, distant smile means, she's bored" Chimney told them, Kat was half listening, well setting the table. "One foot out the door. This woman's so far out of my league, but she's just once-in-a lifetime, I can't let her go"

"Lots of fish in the sea" Bobby replied.

"Not with the bait he's using" Kat added.

"Cruel but true. Mm" She chuckled. "I met her on this new dating site just for cops and firefighters. She's an adrenaline junkie, so foreplay is me telling her stories about running into burning buildings and jumping into icy lakes and..."

"I'm sorry, wait. Remind me, when is the last time you ran into or jumped over anything?" Hen asked him, sitting at the table.

"Yeah, I was the one who jumped into that lake and got hypothermia" Kat pointed out and sat at the table.

"I embellish a little" He replied.

"Oh. noted"

"I'm telling you, the uniform is a major aphrodisiac"

"Clearly" Kat answered, she turned her attention to Buck pulling the truck into the station, she rolled her eyes. Buck walked up the stairs and walked towards the table and reach for the bowl of carrots.

"Hey!" Kat exclaimed, moving the bowl away from him.

"I just-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wash your hands. We don't know where they've been" She scoffed.

"What if we had a call?" Bobby asked Buck.

"I was in the neighborhood" Buck answered. "I was just, uh, getting it washed"

"They charge you extra for the full detail?" Chimney asked.

"Oh, yeah, yeah"

"Listen, I like you. You're a good firefighter, I know we got this thing- you call me "Pops" and I give you a hard time for being a dumbass kid, we went to a Springsteen concert together, but this is a not a family. It's not a clubhouse, so I'm writing you up" Bobby told him.

"Come on, Bobby. See the fire, put out the fire. The rest is blah-blah"

"No. The system and the rules are not arbitrary. First infraction. Two more, you're out. Wash your hands"


"I don't hear anything" Bobby said, walking out of the bathroom, the guy sighed.

"Look, I'm telling you, I heard a baby crying. Someone flushed a baby down the toilet. Oh, I'm not high, okay I-I'm pretty high, but it's a sativa you know? I-It makes you happy, I-It doesn't make you hallucinate" The guy told us, Kat rolled her eyes.

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