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"Twenty seven year old female, stabbed in the stomach

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"Twenty seven year old female, stabbed in the stomach. She's tachycardic, hypotensive and lost a significant amount of blood also coded on the way here" Chim told the doctors as they rushed into the hospital with Buck following close behind with Kat's blood on his hand and shirt.

"She's one of yours?" One of the doctors asked.

"Yeah" Hen sighed.

"We'll do everything we can"

"Do more" Buck told them. The slam of a cop car door caught the three's attention and Athena rushed towards them.

"What happened?" Athena asked them.

"She was stabbed"

Three hours later...

The rest of the 118 including Athena, Krystal and Bailey we're all sat in the waiting room, waiting for news on Kat's condition, one of the nurse's walked into the room, the group got up from their seats filled with anxiety and worriedness.

"How is she?" Buck asked the nurse.

"She's stable, the surgeons we're able to repair most of the damage" She told them.

"What do you mean most?" Hunter asked.

"The blade punctured her lung, we had to put her in a medically induced coma, meaning she'll be on a ventilator for the time being. We're taking her to the ICU. You can see her once she's settled in" They nodded and the nurse walked away.

"Did she say anything to you?" Hunter asked Buck sitting back down.

"Uh, yeah, she said anything about Matt?" Buck told him.

"You sure?" Athena asked him, Buck nodded "Oh, son of a bitch" as she started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Bobby asked her.

"Too hunt the son of a bitch down"

"Who's Matt?" Krystal asked. Everyone looked over to Hunter.

"I don't know"

2 weeks later...

After two weeks, the doctors had taken Kat off sedation and off the ventilator but she still hadn't woken up, Buck had taken the 2 weeks off to stay with Kat for when she woke up.

"Hey, I got you coffee" Bailey said, walking into the hospital room with two coffee's in her hand.


"Do you think she'll wake up?" She asked, sitting down.

"The doctors aren't sure" Buck sighed. "But I think she'll"

"Why were you at Kat's?" She asked.

"I didn't stab her"

"Yeah, I know. But why were you there? I'm just...interested"

Buck sighed. "I...I was gonna ask her out"

"Really?" She grinned "I knew you liked her"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" He asked, she chuckled.

"It's so obvious"

"...what's obvious?" A voice asked. The two blondes looked over to Kat. Her eyes were open with a confused look on her face.

"Hey...Uh, nothing, I-I gonna go get the nurse" Bailey stuttered and awkwardly walked out the room.

"How are you feeling?" Buck asked her.

"Mm, I can't speak another language, but..." She joked, Buck chuckled.

"No, but seriously, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, just tired" She replied. "How long was I out?"

"...2 weeks"

"What?" She exclaimed. "Jeez"

"Uh, d-d- did you hear what me and Bailey were talking about?" Buck asked

"...only something about something being obvious?"

Little did Buck know that was a lie...

Written: 16/02/2023


Word Count:502 

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now