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~Not Slow~

After 3 more days in the hospital Kat was finally discharged, after Buck had finally broken up with Abby even though she wasn't there

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After 3 more days in the hospital Kat was finally discharged, after Buck had finally broken up with Abby even though she wasn't there. Kat had agreed to let Buck crash on her couch.

Later that night Buck woke up to a scream coming from Kat's room.

"Kat!" He rushed into Kat's room, Kat was covered in sweat mixed with tears. He quickly turned on the lights and rushed to Kat side. "Kat, Kat, hey" She gasped awake trying to catch her breath. "Hey, hey, you're fine"

"I'm sorry" Kat breathed.

"No, no, you have nothing to apologize for" He told her, she bit out a sob and hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's okay"


"Hey, uh, I'm sorry about last night" Kat said to Buck walking into the kitchen, glancing over to him on the couch.

"Kat, it's fine. You were stabbed 2 weeks ago of course there's gonna be side effects" Buck assured her.

"And also I lied when I said that I didn't hear what you and Bailey were talking about, the real reason you went to my apartment was to ask me out" She answered quickly, he sighed.

"Kat, just let me explain-"

"No, no. Because I like you back and I think I have for a while, I just didn't wanna admit it because you started dating Abby and then she left. There was just never a right time" Kat explained cutting Buck off. "Can we just start this conversation over"

"Better idea, how about we go out for dinner and talk there"

"Yeah that's a better idea, take things slow" She agreed.


"Yeah, things didn't go slow" Kat panted.

"Yeah, I thought I'd stopped sleeping with girls" Buck replied, Kat raised her eyebrow. "But I like this"

"Oh, I like this too" She drawled, Buck chuckled and stole a kiss from her.

Written: 19/02/2023

Published: 04/04/2023

Word Count:400

Thank you for reading <3

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