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"Hey. Are you in charge here?" Bobby asked walking into the bowling alley.

"I guess" The man replied unamused.

"Thank God you're here! She's this way!" One of the coworkers said rushing over. "Okay, her name's Arlene Branson. She's the owner. She was working on lane five when the pin setter came down on her. I wasn't sure what to do, so I shut off the power to stop it from cycling again but I didn't think I should move it until you guys got here" He explained panicky leading the 118 behind the alley lanes.

Hen, Chim and Hunter rushed over to the woman to check her out "It's okay, Arlene. I'm here. These people are gonna help you, okay?" He assured her.

"All right, I got a compound fracture, more outside than in"

"Pulse is very weak"

"She's lost a lot of blood. Let's get the fluids going" Hen said.

"All right, do you know how to move this thing?" Kat asked the teenage boy. "How to release it?"

"I mean, not really, I've only watched Arlene do it" He replied.

"Manual" Arlene groaned.

"Right, manual release. Which is here somewhere"

"We could take it apart piece by piece" Buck suggested.

"Blood pressure's dropping"

"Pushing fluids through"

"I'll get the tourniquet, tie the arm, and get her out" Eddie suggested.

"I don't know if that's gonna work. Right now, this cross brace is the only thing that's holding her arm in place. The minute you move it, she's gonna bleed more" Hen told them.

"And given how broken her bones are, it'll be like tying off a wet bag of rocks" Hunter continued.

"What if we embrace the cross brace?" Kat questioned, they all looked at her confused. "We cut her from the pinsetter here, then we weld these points here, here, and here and you've got a-"

"A damn good splint" Bobby finished. "All right, we're gonna need a stick welder"


Knock. Knock.

Kat sighed, getting off of Buck, and got out of bed "Why do people disturb us? This our time" Kat mumbled, putting her robe on over her bra and shorts.

"Let's just pretend we're not here" Buck suggested, pulling his girlfriend back into bed, she chuckled.

"I like that idea"

Knock. Knock.

"Coming. Coming!" Buck groaned out of frustration, and got out of bed. And walked down stairs, answering the door.

"Eddie? Chris?" Buck asked confused.

"Oh, shit" Kat muttered.

"What are you guys doing here?" Buck continued.

"You and Kat are babysitting today, remember?" Eddie asked.

"O-oh, yeah, of course" He replied, opening the door all the way for them to come in.

"Hey, guys, what are you doing here?" Kat asked walking down the stairs in her leggings and one Buck's sweaters.

"You guys are babysitting, did you forget?"

"Yes" "No"

"Kat!" Christopher exclaimed and hugged her.

"Hey, buddy" Kat smiled.

"You three have fun" Eddie chuckled and walked out.

"Is that my sweater?" Buck asked her.



"You hungry?" Kat asked Buck walking towards the ambulance. "You wanna grab a bite after we drop him?"

"Definitely. I haven't had a proper meal since Bobby left" The two opened the ambulance doors and saw the ambulance and Hunter and Hen stained with blood. "Whoa"

"What happened here?" Kat asked them.

"He started coding. We had to start CPR" Hen explained. "And things got a little messy"

"Yep, but now this ticker's pumping like Old Faithful, 80 BPM with normal rhythm" Hunter added.

"And I just lost my appetite" Buck mumbled.

"Think I just found mine" Hunter replied, typing on his phone and started to walked away.

"Uh, hey, where are you going?" Buck asked.

"To ask your sister out on a proper date so I can tell her I love her"

"We missed a lot huh?" Kat asked, her and Buck shared a confused look and then looked back into the ambulance. "I'm not cleaning this, just saying"

Ty for reading!!

Written: 05/03/2023


Word Count:687

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