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The 118 were called to the ice rink, Buck, Kat and Eddie were searching for severed fingers

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The 118 were called to the ice rink, Buck, Kat and Eddie were searching for severed fingers. Kat stepped forwards and immediately slipped, Buck caught her and laughed.

"You'll push you" She told him, trying to hold herself up.

"Found two fingers, Cap. Still looking for the other ones" Buck said to Bobby.

"Hey, got the pinkie!" Eddie called glancing over to the couple.

"All right, three down, one to go" Buck corrected.

"Yes! I got the middle one!" Kat called with a smirk, they glanced over to Bobby to see him shining his flash light at the ice.

"Hey-hey, Cap, we- we found all the fingers" Buck replied.

"Cap, victims are being transported" Hen said, walking over to the others.

"Yeah, our work here is done" Chim added, Buck and Kat stood up as Kat grabbed Buck's arm holding herself up.

"Found it" Bobby mumbled, holding something up.

"What's that?" Eddie asked.

"A sequin. When your runs across one of these, it stops your skates dead in their tracks"

"Wait, one sequin did all of this?" Buck questioned furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"A wardrobe malfunction can be the most dangerous part of figure skating"

"So how come you know so much about figure skating?" Chim asked.

Bobby sighed. "My partner Heidi Shatsky and I were Twin Cities Junior Pairs Champions three years running"

"Always thought you were a hockey player, Cap" Eddie replied.

"Who says you can't do both?" and walked away.

"We'll Google for photos later" Buck said, Kat nodded and stepped forwards before nearly slipping again. Buck chuckled and grabbed his girlfriends hand. "Come on" leading her off the ice.


"You and Buck talking again?" Hunter asked Kat as the siblings walked up the stairs.

"What gave it away?" Kat chuckled.

"The hickey on your neck" walking towards the dinner table.


"Did you not know?"


"You and Buck had fun last night" Eddie chuckled, sitting at the table.

"Kill me please" She muttered pulling her hair out of it's normal ponytail.


"Still think it's ridiculous you got suspended for solving a murder. But I might get over that if you keep bringing us food"

"Well, the brisket is my special recipe. You just smoke it low and slow for 14 hours. And then, you turn it-" Athena paused, watching Buck about to put the salt on the food. Buck glanced at Kat and Bobby, they both shook their heads and Buck put the salt down. Athena rolled her eyes.

"She's been cooking at home too. Every meal's been a feast" Bobby replied.

"Have you ever considered being suspended forever?" Kat asked, Bobby looked at her with an unamused look. "Not that your cooking isn't good, Cap"

"Well, I like both your food equally" Buck commented, Kat rolled her eyes.

"Suck up" She mumbled kicking Buck in the foot.

"Ow" He mumbled under his breath.

"Oh, I'm not liking it. I'm loving it" Hen replied. "So when I go back for seconds y'all better watch your fingers" everyone laughed as Hen's phone started ringing. "Cheryl?...No, I'm at work" she got up and walked away.


"I really wish we could help her, but she's not talking to anyone about it" Hunter said to Buck, Kat and Maddie

"There's definitely something going on with her. Eddie too" Buck replied. "Hey, you guys think it's the Santa Anas?" Kat chuckled and shook her head. "I mean, they-they make people act weird, right?"

"I definitely don't think it's the wind" Maddie pointed out."Wait, you know, maybe it's something she doesn't feel like sharing"

"Well, historically speaking, Hen, Chim and I tell each other everything" Hunter said with a shrug.

"Besides, pretty sure Eddie was acting weird before that" Kat told them, as Hunter and Maddie started whispering about something.

"...Maybe everything doesn't need to be shared with the 118"

"No way" Buck replied. "If we didn't tell each other everything, what else would we do on a 24-hour shift?"

"I know what you two do" Hunter joked, Kat narrowed her eyes glaring at her brother. "I'll shut up now"


"Okay" Maddie sighed. "Uh, I am back in therapy, Uh, mandated by my boss this time"

"Uh, did- did something happen at work?" Buck asked his sister worriedly.

"A woman filed a complaint against me. She said I was stalking her. I think stalking is an overstatement"

"'s true?"

"This woman called 9-1-1, and Maddie thought she was in trouble, so she just tried to help her" Hunter told him.

"Yeah, but she didn't want my help because she thinks I'm a crazy person who invaded her privacy. Maybe there's a lesson in there for the three of you" Maddie said to them

"So what do you think's going on with Eddie?" Hunter asked the two, ignoring what his girlfriend said, Maddie rolled her eyes.

"I had to bail him out of jail" Kat said, taking a sip of her beer.

"What?" The two asked.

"Yeah, he punched a handicap guy"



"I can't believe I let you talk me into this" Kat sighed.

"Come on, it'll be fun" Buck told her, she rolled her eyes, putting her skates on.

"Oh, yeah, until I break my leg" Buck chuckled.

"You're so dramatic"

"I am not" She huffed, tying the laces on her skates.

"Ready?" He asked, she nodded. Buck grabbed her hand and pulled her up and led towards the ice. She stepped forwards and grabbed the side. "You got it?"

"Yeah" She replied with a nod.

"Okay, now let go" she looked at him confused.

"Oh, now your just trying to kill me" She shot back.

"You'll be fine I promise" He told her "I'll catch you if you fall" She took a deep breath and let go of the side. "There. Not just don't let go of my hand" she chuckled as they glided slowly on the ice.

Idk how to end this chapter so, anyway ty for reading! Sorry for any mistakes I'm currently on vacation so I haven't had time to check this properly!!

Written: 02/03/2023

Published: 16/05/2023

Word Count: 1029

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