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"It all looks so romantic till someone has to call 9-1-1" Buck said, looking at the hot air balloon from the truck as Eddie gave him a weird look

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"It all looks so romantic till someone has to call 9-1-1" Buck said, looking at the hot air balloon from the truck as Eddie gave him a weird look. "I heard dispatch gets a lot of calls from these thing"

"Maddie tell you that?" Eddie asked.

"...Uh, no. Someone else" He replied, Kat rolled her eyes at the reference of Buck's ex.

"Jealous" Hunter whispered in his sister's ear.

"Oh, my God. Please, please help!" The mother yelled, as the 118 got out the truck.

"How old is your daughter, ma'am?" Bobby asked.

"She's 10"

"She have a phone with her?"

"No. I thought she was too young" She answered.

"There's a radio up in the basket. That's how Nick and I communicate" One of the workers told him. "Mine's in the truck"

"Okay, go get it"


"Mom, tell her to hunker down. Okay, let's go!" Bobby told the 118. They quickly got out of the truck and ran towards the ropes of the air balloon. Kat and Eddie grabbed the ropes, digging their heels into the ground.

"I got it!" Buck yelled, climbing into the basket and landed the balloon.

"He's not gonna shut up about that later" Kat mumbled, Eddie chuckled.

"Sophie! Sophie!" The mother exclaimed running towards the landed balloon. "Oh, are you okay?" holding her daughter in her arms.

"She's in one piece"

"Oh, thank you all so much"


After a long day of car crashes and a man getting stuck in a freezer, Hen and Chim loaded the stretcher into the ambulance. "All units, police, and fire RA, clear channel two, switch to Tac Channel 50. Officer on open mic in distress. Needs assistance, 727-L-30 at Studio Storage" Krystal said over the radio, Kat froze and looked at Buck with panic.


"Take him to the hospital, and everyone else, on the engine, now, let's go" Bobby ordered.

The team listened to Athena struggle over the radio, Kat's leg was shaking like crazy, Buck put his hand on her knee trying to keep her calm. "Cap, they're telling us to switch to Tac 50" Chim tried, but Bobby shook his head. A gunshot echoed over the radio making Kat jump.

The team pulled up to the Studio Storage and quickly got out the truck and grabbed their gear. "Sir, the building's not clear" one of the officers tried to tell Bobby, but he ignored him and the team went inside.

"Captain Nash, she's here"

"Athena, can you hear me?" Hen asked.

"Can you hear me?"


Knock. Knock.

Kat got up from the couch and answered the door. "Karen?"

"Who's Imelda?" She asked, Kat looked at her confused and Karen passed her the phone and walked in.

"What am I looking at here?" Kat asked, closing the door.

"Proof that Hen is cheating on me"

"What? Hen would never do that. I mean, not after what happened the last time she did that"

"Well, she's got all these dates and the name of a hotel" handing Kat a sticky note. "I mean, is that when she's planning to meet up with this Imelda?"

"Did you find anything else on her phone?" She asked.

"Nothing. It was locked. I took a picture of the screen"

"Oh, did you use her thumb to unlock it while she was sleeping?"

"...Ew. No. Wait, do you do that?"

"Of course not! Buck did it to Hunter after he got stabbed. Anyways, look, it's just two text messages and a scrap of paper. It probably means nothing" Kat assured.

"...There's a charge on our credit card. A teppanyaki restaurant, she said she took you there. Is that true?" Karen asked, she sighed.

"I cannot believe she lied about that. I love teppanyaki"

"See? Another lie. Right to my face"

"She's using me to lie to you"

"We barely survived the last time. And now we have two kids to think of"

"I really wish I knew how to help you, Karen" Kat sighed.

"You got anything to drink?" She asked.

"Yeah, i got coffee" Karen gave her a look. "I'll get us something stronger"


"Thank God. I found them like this, I don't think she can drive home" Buck said opening the door for Hen and glancing over to Karen and Kat drunk on the couch.

"Karen, I thought you were sick" Hen said to her.

"I am sick. I'm sick of the lies" Karen replied.


"I'm sick of the betrayal"

"So much betrayal"

"Hey, Kat, maybe we should give them some privacy" Buck suggested to his girlfriend.

"Why do I have to leave? This is my apartment" Kat told him. "And Hen is the one who's cheating"

"Wha- I'm not cheating" Hen answered.

"Ugh! I saw the texts" Karen said, pulling out her phone. "And this, this is when you were gonna meet her at that hotel" putting the sticky note on the table "Imelda" Hen scoffed.

"Imelda is Dr. Royce. Dr Imelda Royce"

"Oh, a doctor" Kat slurred "At least that's better than the last one"

"I'm a doctor too!" Karen exclaimed. "I have a PhD. wait- Dr. Royce is that surgeon- the surgeon you met the day that you put your hand in that man's chest"

"Ah! Which...was really stupid and reckless, by the way" Kat added.

"Okay, maybe you should stop talking now" Buck told Kat, trying to hold his laughter in.

"She had a meet-cute over an open chest wound. That's not right!" Kat exclaimed.

"It wasn't a meet-cute. It was just a meet. And I was talking to Dr. Royce- Imelda- about what it took to get into med school. These are the dates of when I can take my MCATs" Hen explained.

"Wait, you're thinking about going to medical school?" Karen asked. "Since when?"

"I don't know. That's why I didn't say anything, I mean...It was just such a crazy idea. I-"

"Oh, baby, no" Karen said, getting up off the couch. "That's not crazy. Oh, my God, you'd be an amazing doctor"

"I'm gonna be so hungover" Kat mumbled.

Tysm for reading!!

Written: 06/03/2023

Published: 03/06/2023

Word Count: 1027

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