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Kat put her bag in her locker, her phone vibrated from pocket, she pulled it out and answered

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Kat put her bag in her locker, her phone vibrated from pocket, she pulled it out and answered. "Hello?"

"Where are you, Katniss? I know that you're not in New York no matter what that Sergeant tells me. Where the hell are you?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter 'cause I'm done with you" She answered.

"You don't get to decide that! Tell me where you are!" she didn't say anything. "Then I guess I'm gonna have to come find you, and you'd better hope that when I do, I'm in a better mood" she hung up and threw her phone against the locker. She wiped the tears from her eyes and then walked out.

"A bouncer at a strip club" Kat heard Hen say as she reached the top of the upstairs.

"What the fuck" She mumbled walking over to them.

"Kat, what was that bang?" Chim asked her.

"What?" She looked at them confused.

"...Did you not hear it?" Hen asked, Kat shook her head.

"I guess, you're deaf Everdeen" Buck teased, Kat rolled her eyes and used her finger to flick Buck on the forehead. "Ow"


The ground started to shake as Kat and Buck were stood in the locker room.

"Kat!" Buck yelled pulling Kat away from the glass window before it shattered. "You okay?" holding Kat in his arms.

"Y-Yeah" Kat nodded as heat rushed into her cheeks. "You can let go of me now"

"Oh, yeah, sorry" Buck replied letting go of her.

"Everyone okay?" Bobby asked. "Buck? Kat?"

"We're fine" Kat spoke up walking out the locker room.


"You guys ever deal with anything like this before?" Eddie asked, staring up at the fallen buildings.

"No" Bobby replied.

"They seriously think that's gonna hold it up?" Buck questioned watching the men putting support beams in.

"Let's go find the incident commander" Bobby told the 118.

After talking with the IC a police officer approached the team with a concerned look on his face "Hey, you guys will want to see this" The team followed him over to the other side of the building to see a man stuck against one of the windows.

"We could set up a bag street-side in case that window gives" Chimney suggested looking up to the building.

"Nobody works under that side of the building. Somebody's gonna have to get him from the inside" Bobby answered.

"Buck, you say that's the 11th floor?" Kat asked him.

"I would. I bet we could take the ladder to that fourth floor. Cut the distance in half" Buck replied, Bobby nodded to the two.

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