Seventeen - Kat Begins

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~Kat Begins~

Tw: Child Abuse

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Tw: Child Abuse

Kat didn't have many happy childhood memories, the ones that she did have were overshadowed by the traumatic ones embedded in her mind.

"Mom!" 8 year old Kat called, opening her mom's bedroom door, Kat let out a scream at the horrible site in front of her.

"Kat!" Her older brother yelled rushing down the stairs. "What's wrong?" Kat pointed at her mother's body laying on the floor.

"M-mom" The 8 year old stuttered, Hunter kneeled down to her sisters level coming face to face.

"Kat, listen, go sit in the living room, I need to call 911" Hunter told her.

"O-okay" She listened and ran into the living area.


"But why does he have to go to Brooklyn and I have to stay in LA?" Kat asked the CPS agent.

"Katniss we're already got you a foster family here and your brother is going to his aunts" The CPS agent explained to the young girl.

"Why can't I go?"

"It's complicated, but your foster family will look after you"


"911 What is your emergency?" As Kat held the phone to her ear well her hands were shaking. After Kat had accidently spilled water on the carpet and her abusive foster father had taken out the angry on her, she didn't know what came over her, she grabbed the phone and called 911.

"Um...hi" Kat muttered.

"Hello? This is 911. Who's this?"

"Um, Kat"

"Okay, Kat, my name is Sue. Where are you calling from?"

"Our house. 1283 Alder Drive. It''s my dad"

"Your dad? Is he hurt?"

"What? No, he did a bad thing"

"Kat, are you hurt?"

"...Y-" Katniss started before he could finish her bedroom door swung open.

"Katniss! Give me that phone!" Matt - her foster father- yelled, snatched the phone from Kat's hand. "Hi. Who is this?"

"This is 911 emergency services"

"You called 911? Oh, god. This is a little embarrassing, but my daughter here, she got herself into some trouble, and now she's grounded, and apparently that constitutes a life-and-death situation when you're 11 years old, I can't tell you how sorry I am that we wasted your time" He lied.

"It happens, Uh, are you sure that everyone's okay?"

"No, yeah, everyone's fine. Yes, thank you. Although I know somebody whose grounding just got a little bit longer. Sorry to have bothered you" and he hung up, and look down at the 11 year old who was sat on the bed and knelt down to her, Kat took a sharp shaky breath she knew what was coming.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now