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~Home and Away~

"How's Hunter doing?" Kat asked, as Buck walked back into the apartment, Buck sighed

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"How's Hunter doing?" Kat asked, as Buck walked back into the apartment, Buck sighed.

"He still thinks Maddie's in danger"

"When are you gonna tell him?" She asked.

"I'm not, not until Maddie tells me too" He replied walking over to her.

"Buck...he deserves to know the truth"

"Not yet, Kat. Just give Maddie some time, okay?" She nodded.

"I won't tell him"


Knock. Knock.

"I'll get it" Buck said to Kat, she smiled. Buck got up from the table and answered the door. "Hunter?"

"Maddie took Melody to the emergency room" Hunter told him, handing something and walked into the couples apartment.

"Uh, o-okay"

"It was during the blackout. There was some kind of accident. Maddie was bathing her and the baby slipped under the water. That's what she meant when she said, Melody wasn't safe with her" Hunter explained to them both.

"But Melody is fine" Kat replied as she stood up.

"Yes, exactly, she's fine. But Maddie is out there somewhere, beating herself up because she lost grip of a slippery child. She needs to know that this wasn't her fault"

"And she'll figure that out if you give her time" Buck cut in.

"Time? She needs me. I'm going after her" He said.

"Well, sh-she said sh-she didn't want you to do that, right?"

"Buck, Kat, you're not listening. She exiled herself because she thinks she's a danger to the baby. I can't leave her alone like that, believing that, thinking the worst of herself. She needs to know"

"Know what? That you love her? That you support her? Hunt, she knows" Kat assured him. "What she needs is time and she will come home"

"Why weren't either of you surprised?" Hunter asked them. "When I told you that Melody almost drowned, you two didn't even blink it wasn't until I said that I was going after Maddie...Did you two know?"

"Hu-Hunt, Hunter..." Kat started.

"She told you two? Is that it? She called you and you already knew about this because she told you?" He cried. "Where is she, Kat?"

"I-I...I don't know. She wouldn't tell us"

"Eight...days. You have waited eight days while you have seen the hell I've been going through, and either of you didn't tell me?"

"She-she said she was fine, you know?" Buck asked from behind Kat.

"Hunt, she just needed to figure some stuff out. And she was more worried about you, she asked us to check in on you and Melody and make sure that you're okay-" Kat started the pain from Hunter's hit across her face interrupted her as she head snapped to the side.

"I am not okay" Hunter snapped and walked out. Kat stood there frozen, Buck quickly rushed in front of her looking at the forming mark on her face.

"It's okay" He told her softly, she collapsed into his arms and let out a sob "Hey, hey, it's okay" as he wrapped his arms around her comforting her.



Word Count:494

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now