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The 118 pulled up to the apartment building to see a woman stuck through the balcony

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The 118 pulled up to the apartment building to see a woman stuck through the balcony. "Help!" She screamed as the team got the ladder ready.

"Already Buck get up there. I'll be right behind you" Bobby told him.

"Okay" and Buck started to climb up the ladder.

"Ma'am this is the LAFD, we're on our way up to you now. Just, uh, hang on tight" Bobby said over the speaker. "Okay, Kat, it's your turn. Head on up" she nodded and started to climb the ladder.

"Hey. How you doing?" Kat asked.

"I know I put on a few quarantine pounds, but I didn't think it was this bad" The woman replied.

"Well, from the looks of you, I don't think you have anything to worry about" Kat told her, climbing on to the balcony. "But you are stuck in there pretty good. I'm gonna put this rescue strap around you, secure you to that ladder, so if the rest of this balcony goes, you stay up here with me. Sounds good?"

"Sounds great. But also a thing I didn't know to be afraid of until right now"

"No need to be afraid. I got you"


"All right, guys, keep sending up the ladder" Kat said into her radio.

"It's okay, sweetie" She told her kid who was stood inside. "Don't worry"

"Your son?" Kat asked.

"Yeah. Who would've guessed the worst part about being a single mom is having nobody to pull you out of the balcony after you've crashed through it?"

"The wood looks completely rotted. Probably water damage or termites. It's a good thing he wasn't out here" She pointed out.

"Figures. This place is practically falling down around us. I can't afford to do repairs and my landlord never fixes anything"

"Maybe a visit from the fire department might change his attitude. How we looking down there, guys?"

"Okay, we shored up the balcony as best we could" Bobby told her.

"We got a platform underneath in case she falls" Buck added.

"You're not gonna fall" Kat assured, "I just have to leave for a minute. I gotta go let our paramedics in the door"

"Okay" She said, Kat put on her mask and walked inside.

"You must be Charlie the hero"

"I didn't do anything" The kid replied.

"You did exactly what you're supposed to, you called 911. That was quick thinking of you. You really helped out your mom" Kat said and walked over to the door opening it for Hen, Chim and Hunter.

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