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~Point of Origin~

"Is the owner here?" Bobby asked Kat, Buck and Hen

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"Is the owner here?" Bobby asked Kat, Buck and Hen.

"Uh, that's him right there. Why?" Kat asked, nodding to a guy.

"Hey. When'd you put on the third floor?" Bobby asked, walking over to him. The owner didn't answer. "When did you put on the third floor? You think I don't know what that is?" and threw a piece of metal on the ground.

"What's the matter with you? What-"

"That-That's Kal-Pal!" Bobby yelled, grabbing him by the jacket. "That stuff's been banned. You didn't reinforce the concrete with steel, instead you used that crap. This used to be a two-story building. That floor that collapsed- that was the roof, wasn't it? Wasn't it?!"

"Bobby!" Kat tried.

"You know what you did, you son of a bitch! You're going to jail. That's manslaughter!"

"Captain, Captain Captain" Kat said, pulling him away.


"Come away. What is wrong with you?"

"Back off, Kat"

"Back off, really?" She questioned "Not 24 hours ago, you were saying, "Help" What happened to that?" he pushed her hand off and walked away.

"So, this wedding- it's an arranged marriage. That's a trip, right?" Buck asked from behind her. "Can you imagine committing to someone you don't even know?"

"Does anybody really know anybody?" Kat asked.


"So how long they gonna have you chained to that desk?" Kat asked Athena.

"Well, the Creedys are ready to drop their complaint- you know, so long as the department drops the charges on their daughter" She replied.

"Are you okay with that?" She asked.

"Not even a little bit. That girl is wicked"

"How's May doing?"

"She's at home. I mean, it feels like we're back on solid ground. If we ever were, I swear it's like I don't even know these people, I'm supposed to be the closet to"

"There's a lot of that going around" Kat replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"Trouble at home? New boyfriend?" She asked.

"Ha, no. It's Bobby"

"Clark Kent?"

"After the plane crash...he went on a bender. Didn't answer his phone for, like, two days. Buck, Hen and I went over there to make sure he was still alive. And can I tell you, there was not one single picture on the wall. Nothing, no sign of a family. Nothing, it was just, it was weird" She sighed."This guy's been our captain for, like, over a year, and in all that time, he's never really talked about his personal life, it's like he's got this invisible wall up"

"What, you think his wife left him, took everything?" Thena asked.

"See, it didn't look like somebody had come and cleared out. It was more like..." Kat paused. "...nobody ever moved in. Like he's not even really there"

"Well, if you want, I'll do a background check. I got nothing else to do all day anyway"

"Nah. Bobby already got trust issues, I don't want those problems. And it's, you's not like I'm saying that he's a bad captain. hell...I think he's the best captain I've ever worked under but I'm starting to worry about him"

"So, about new boyfriends? What about that new firefighter?" She asked.

"What? Buck?" Kat questioned, she nodded with a smirk. "I'd rather die" she chuckled.


"Whoop!" Buck exclaimed, walking in breaking the awkward silence between Kat and Bobby. "It is a beautiful day, Everdeen. My love"

"Call me Everdeen or 'your love' again, you're going over the balcony" Kat shot back.

"Okay, then Bobby. Oh, captain, my handsome captain" Buck replied.

"What are you, high?" Bobby asked.

"No, I'm not high. I met a woman. Two, actually. I met a woman and her mother. And I didn't have sex with either of them" Buck told us, Kat and Bobby glanced at each other then went back to silence. "Ooh, why it's so cold in here?" and finally the bell went off.

"Oh thank God" Kat muttered.

"What's up with you and Bobby?" Hen asked Kat, she shrugged. "You two giving each other the cold shoulder?"

"Yep" Kat answered.

"Run it again!" They heard Buck laugh from inside the building.

"Buck, what are you doing?" Bobby asked, walking in.

"This is a good one. You gotta see this" Buck laughed.

"What are you doing?"

"All right, play the tape. Come on, one more time" Buck told the worker. The guy rewinded the video and played it again. "Wait for it. Wait for it"

"Buck, that man could have been seriously injured" Bobby tried.

"Listen, this is so...unprofessional" Hen tried, but Kat couldn't hold in her laugher and lost it so did Hen and Bobby.

Written:18/01/ 2023



Word Count:748

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