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~Breaking Point~

"You're late" Kat said crossing her arms, looking at Krystal and Eddie as they closed the front door

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"You're late" Kat said crossing her arms, looking at Krystal and Eddie as they closed the front door.

"There was construction on Sunset" Eddie replied. "We had to take a detour. Christopher already in bed?"


"You're a miracle worker" Krystal told her.

"Hmm, no, just an excellent negotiator. See, he was willing to get ready for bed and get in the bed, I was not allowed to turn the lights off or tell him a story" Kat explained.

"Well, probably just as well after you told him that little thing about the kid in the rotisserie" Kryst said to her.

"That wasn't a story. It was a cautionary tale" Kat corrected.

"Ah, well thanks for watching him" Eddie said to her.

"Uh, how- how- how was the date?"

"It was good" Krystal replied, Eddie nodded in agreement.


Kat unlocked her apartment door and put her bag on the counter, the most of the lights are besides the TV, she went to walk into the living room but hit her foot against the laundry basket.

"Fuck" She cursed.

"Hey, Kat. Uh, what are you doing home?" Bailey asked quickly standing up and turning the lights on. "We thought you were babysitting"

"And now I'm home" She answered. "Wait, uh, we?"


"Hey, Kat" Veronica said walking over to them putting her shirt on.

"Veronica, hi, I, uh, didn't expect to see you here. In my apartment"

"Oh, we're doing some laundry and Netflix and chilling"

"Oh, how domestic" Kat said sarcastically.

"Uh, we should order in. Maybe Thai? You- you love Thai, right?" Bailey asked.

"Uh, yeah, thanks, I think I'm gonna go to bed" She said and walked up the stairs.

"Us too" Veronica told her.

"Yeah, okay. Well, see you later" and took off her jacket and dropped on the floor and flopped into bed, waking Buck up.

" was babysitting?" He asked tiredly. She buried her head into her pillow and let out a muffled scream. "...what happened?" wrapped his arms around her.

"Your ex is fucking my best friend" She said muffled from the pillow. "In my living room!"

"Our" He corrected, she whined into the pillow.


"Shut up! I need to think!"

"Eh, should've tried thinking before he ended up on a roof" Eddie pointed out dryly leaning against the truck as the 118 watched the guy on the roof pace around. "I mean, he cornered himself"

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