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~Karma's a Bitch~

Kat walked into the coffee shop and saw Buck sitting at the counter talking to Bailey

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Kat walked into the coffee shop and saw Buck sitting at the counter talking to Bailey...again for the third time this week. "Hey, Kat!" Bailey exclaimed, Buck shifted in his seat turning to look at her.

"Oh, Kat, you're finally here" Buck answered in a teasing tone, Kat sighed.

"You're usual?" Bailey asked.

"Yes, please" She answered, ignoring Buck, she nodded. "Why are you here? To annoy me? Or is this some kind of revenge or something?"

"No, I just want coffee" He answered.

"Mhm, at my coffee shop, that's 20 minutes away from your apartment?" She questioned.

"Uh, yeah- Wait, how do you know where I live?"

"...I have my ways"

"Kat" Bailey called, pulling my coffee on the counter.

"Thanks" She answered, grabbing the coffee and gave her $5.

"Katniss, give me a ride" Buck asked, she chuckled coldly.

"No" and walked away.


"Buck, why are you late?" Bobby asked him, as Buck rushed up the stairs. Kat looked up from her book and she smirked looking at Buck.

"Because..." Buck paused, catching his breath. "Someone wouldn't drive me here" glaring at her.

"Well, stop showing up at my coffee shop!" She exclaimed annoyed, Bobby rolled his eyes at the twos antics. "I go there to get away from you"


The 118 pulled up to the scene where a guy had been reportedly shot, Kat got out the truck and glanced around at the familiar looking place. "We've been here before, right?" Kat asked.

"Yeah" Hen agreed.

"When?" Buck asked.

"Before you joined us, kid" Bobby replied.


"Why would she do something like this?" The husband asked dryly.

"I'm sorry" Bobby told him.

"Whatever it was, we could have talked about it" The husband replied, Kat glanced down at the woman's lifeless body and noticed a bruise around her wrist. "...I could have helped her. I loved her"

"I imagine she wasn't eager to run into your loving arms" Kat spat.

"We had our differences" He answered.


"Now. My wife liked to use this tree for target practice. It's still standing. And she's not" and he walked away.


"So, I want to thank everybody for donating today. I don't know if you know this or not, but 90% of all the blood given to patients in the Los Angeles area comes from volunteers. I know that we all out our asses on the line in the field every day to save people, but today, you're saving people, and all it's taking is a tiny prick of a needle. So simple, even Mr. Buckley can't mess that up" Chimney said to everyone.

"You still at it, huh? How'd you do?" Bobby asked, walking into the fire house.

"Incredible. Everyone donated, some people even came in on their day off" Chim replied.

"That's great. All right, well, let's wrap it up, we got to start our shift" Bobby said and was about to walk away.

"Uh, hold up. Looks here like I am two pints shy of my goal for the day"

"Well, that'll give you something to work towards next time"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're the captain of this house, and you're the only one who didn't participate" Chim told him.

"What about Kat" Buck said, standing up. "She didn't"

"Uh...well- last time..." Chim started.

"I punched him in the face" Kat finished.


"It was funny" Hen added.

"Yeah, I had a black eye for like 3 weeks"

"Well, you learnt your lesson"

"I don't like needles, end of story" Bobby told us.

"Oh, come...captain, come one. You got to donate" Hen tried.

"I don't give blood. All right? I never give blood. When I was a kid, they tried to take my blood, and I bit the doctor" Buck chuckled "It's not funny...and the one time someone tried to take my blood as an adult...didn't go well" he walked away and Chim followed.


"Where's the tiger now?" Bobby asked the zoo worker.

"East side of the park" He replied. "Nowhere near where we're going. He's got a visitor pinned. Shoot team's en route now"

"You're gonna shoot him? That's not right" Kat said.

"Protocol is to tranquilize first, if at all possible"

"How did the tiger escape in the first place?" Bobby questioned.

"Apparently, he was able to jump to the top of the wall and gain enough leverage to pull himself out"

"Tiger's trainer tried to wrangle him after he got loose" Athena told them. "This ain't pretty"

"It's, uh...it's called degloving" The guy told us, looking at the wound on his arm. "The- the cat actually peels the skin back with his claws"

"Hen, saline. Sir, we have to disinfect this wound" Bobby told the guy.

"How come it didn't just kill you?" Buck asked.

"I've known Kobe since he was a cub. He didn't want to hurt me. He was just...he was just confused"

"Okay, if we're real careful, we can preserve the skin. A little plastic surgery, and you're gonna be good as new" Bobby answered.


"All units responding to barnsdale zoo, I have an adult male in distress, east side of the park. He identified himself as Sean Coopertino, 47, of Riverside. Says he's hiding near the giraffe enclosure" I raised an eyebrow at the name.

"Show 727-L-30 responding" Athena answered.

"Can't be the same guy, can it? That'll just be too weird" Kat said to them.

"Same guy as what?" Buck asked her.

"Sean Coopertino. The dentist from Riverside"

"That's still not helpful" she rolled her eyes.




Word Count:904

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now