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~Buck Begins~

"Okay, five alarm fire

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"Okay, five alarm fire. We're third on the scene. Captain Mehta from the 133 is IC. It's his show. You guys know what to do. Gear up and stand by for a size-up" Bobby ordered.

"...and a large one, so you stay with teams. If you need to split off, you remember your hose line is your lifeline. You get lost, you find a wall. There are still 12 workers in there unaccounted for. Eddie, Kat and I will be joining the 133, searching on the Charlie side. Hen, Hunter, Chim, Buck, you will be running a team with two firefighters from the 141. Your entry point is the alpha side. Let's go!" Bobby told the teams.


"Where's Buck?" Hunter asked as Eddie, Bobby and Kat walked out the building.

"Could ask you the same question" Kat answered.

"He split off when you lost two of your guys" Hen told them.

"IC, this is Buckley, 118"

"Buckley, did you ignore my direct order to evacuate?" IC asked him through the radio.

"He does that sometimes" Kat sighed.

"I got the last victim. But this sanitizer has ignited all around me. I wanna say I'm near the northeast corner Delta wall, but I'm not sure. Sure could use some sprinkler action. They online yet?" Buck asked.

"Negative. We got you. Hang tight. We're gonna get you both out. RIC team, RIC team, deploy. Delta entrance, repeat, Delta entrance northeast corner. Rescue team's coming to you, Buckley" IC told him.

"Copy you. Not going anywhere"

The warehouse flashed over, the glass windows shattered sending the flames to the sky. "Buck!"


Kat walked up the stairs of the firehouse to see a new guy sitting at the table "Who's the new guy?" Kat asked walking over to the table and sat at her seat.

"Uh, Evan Buckley, but everyone just calls me Buck" Buck introduced.

"Katniss, nice to meet you" Kat said, and shook the new guys hand.

"Katniss? Like the Hunger Games character?" Buck asked, Chim chuckled.

"That's what I've been saying" Chim chuckled.

"Yep, but everyone just calls me Kat" She replied, shooting Chimney a glare.

"Nice to meet you, Kat"


"Buck!" Kat yelled and went to bolt towards the building but Hunter grabbed her.

"Kat, wait!" Hunter told her as she tried to get out of his grip.

"I'm going in there and you can't stop me!" She yelled and pushed him off her and followed the Delta team in.

"Why is she like this?" Hunter mumbled.

Kat rushed into the building as the Delta team fought against the flames. Kat spotted Buck with a rope in his hands and kneeled by the worker trapped under the container. Kat rushed over and grabbed the rope helping him pull, the rest of the 118 rushed over to help the couple. Hen quickly pulled out the man from under the container as the 118 let go of the weight.

Kat knelt down next to Buck and hugged him "And you we're the one calling me reckless" She said and took off her mask.

Tysm for reading!!


Published: 01/07/2023

Word Count: 511

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