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~Bobby Begins Again~

~Bobby Begins Again~

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3 years ago

"All right, folks, five minutes. House is open! 20 dollars goes in, 100 dollars pays out" Hen shouted holding her collection box with everyone's money.

"What's the over-under?" Chimney asked.

"I got six weeks"

"Give me four...on credit" Tommy replied. "I got to run to the ATM"

"Boy, I'm gonna eat your lunch, and you better pay up, 'cause I know the bookie, and she's a madwoman. Kat, Sal, you in?" Hen asked them.

"I'll give him one week, tops, if Kat doesn't scare him off before that. Guys's from, like, Nebraska" Sal said.

"Minnesota, actually" Kat corrected, Sal scoffed.

"Whatever. There's New York, there's L.A., and in between, there's Nebraska"

"Ooh, Chicago's gonna kick your ass" She shot back.

"Hey, there's a whole lot of Little Leagues out there, but if you ain't the Yankees, you're just not playing baseball"

"Doesn't everybody hate the Yankees?" Tommy asked.

"Listen, we've had, like, six captains in two years. We're like the Island of Misfit Toys for retiring brass. Might be nice for somebody to stick around for a while" Hen replied.

"I'm saying the barn burns down or the road needs salting, sure, guy's a rock star. Fire at the fair, news at 11:00. But L.A.'s gonna like Mars to this Podunk, and we're fresh out of training wheels" The truck sirens turned on making the group turn around, a man climbed out the truck slamming the door shut.

"You're also out of half the supplies that should be stocked on this truck. So...give me the odds on lasting longer than one or all of you" He said, putting a bill in Hen's collection box and then walked away. "Briefing in five"

"I've got 20 on the Viking"


"...You're a piece of work, you come in here with your nose in the air, your eyes looking down" Sal hissed at Bobby while Hen, Chimney and Kat watched from the locker room.

"Sal, stop" Tommy told him.

"You might want to watch your tone there, Deluca" Cap said to him.

"Why? 'Cause you're my captain? You're not. You're just the latest jackhole in a long line of jackholes that come into this house and think they know how to run it" Sal shot back, as Kat, Chim and Hen walked over.

"And you think you know how to run it?" Cap asked. "You put people's lives at risk so that you could play hero"

"That kid would be dead right now if it wasn't for me"

"We could all be dead right now because of you. We just got lucky"

"That wasn't luck, man. That was skill. The kind of skill it takes to save lives, to lead this house"

"But definitely not the temperament" Cap replied, Sal dropped this bag and walked towards Bobby, Chim stepped in front of him before he could do anything.

"Okay, that's enough. We get it, Fredo. You got passed over. Now let it go and say you're sorry"

"You want me to apologize to this mook? Never gonna happen" Sal replied.

"You are gonna learn to respect the chain of command, Deluca" Cap told him. "Or you're not gonna work here anymore"

"Screw you" and started to walk away.

"Yeah, I guess I got my answer. You're relieved of duty" Sal paused and turned around.

"You're firing me?" He asked.

"Pack your stuff, get out" and Cap walked away.

"What's a mook?" Kat asked Hen and Chim.


"Maybe you should all sit down" Bobby told the group as they reached the top of the stairs.

"Oh. This doesn't feel good" Hen pointed out.

"Is Buck getting fired?" Kat asked. Buck rolled his eyes elbowing her in arm. "Ow"

"All right. I know the shift's about to start, but I wanted to be here to tell you this in person. As of this morning, pending further investigation, I am officially suspended from my duties here at the 118" Bobby sighed.

"What? Why? That-that's insane. Suspended for what?" Buck asked.

"For not disclosing what happened in Minnesota before I took the job"

"Minnesota? That's old news" Kat said.

"Well, not to them and if they knew all the details, there's a very good chance they never would've hired me"

"Cap, you don't owe them that part of you, you owe them your record" Hen told him.

"All the people you've helped"

"The lives you've saved"

"Well, I knew the truth would catch up to me one day" Bobby sighed. "I just figured by the time it did, it wouldn't matter. I'd have nothing left to lose. I was wrong"

Written: 25/02/2023


Word Count:750

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