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~Merry Ex-Mas~

"You excited for your first day back?" Buck asked, kissing Kat on the neck

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"You excited for your first day back?" Buck asked, kissing Kat on the neck.

"Mhm" Kat hummed putting on her shirt. "Now, remember, we're not telling anyone from the firehouse yet, and definitely not Hunter and Athena" After nearly 2 months of dating the only ones that knew we're Bailey, Krystal and maybe Maddie.

Buck groaned and rolled his eyes. "Yes, you've told me the some thing, over and over and over"

"Hmm, you don't wanna see an overprotective Hunter" Kat told him.



"How long's he been in the air?" Buck questioned.

"Plane took off from LAX 18 minutes ago. It was diverted to SoCal Airport" Bobby replied, from the front seat.

"18 minutes. It's nearly long enough to reach altitude" Eddie told them. "It's not good. Cargo isn't pressurized or heated"

"I thought coach was bad" Kat mumbled.

"Hey, Chim, Kat, make sure we have oh-two and warming blankets standing by" Bobby said to the two.

"Copy that"

They pulled out to the runway where the plane had landed the 118 quickly climbed out the truck and quickly grabbed there equipment. "Come on, let's move" they run up the stairs into the Cargo Bay, where there were stacks off boxes.

"Oh, joy" Chim muttered sarcastically.

"Well looks like we're opening presents early this year, huh?" Buck commented.

"Clock is ticking, guys. We got to find this kid" Bobby told the group. "Dispatch said he was having trouble breathing even before he went up in the air. Wait, did you guys hear that?" Everyone went silent. There was a ringtone coming from one of the boxes. "Stethoscope?"

"That's our guy!"

"Hey, get this shrink-wrap off"


Christmas eve at the firehouse was busy, kids and parents with gifts coming in and out "Thank you, honey" Kat smiled, accepting a gift from one of the little kids. Kat put the toy on the table and grabbed one of the santa hat and walked over to Buck with a grin and put it on Buck.

"Shit you're tall" She mumbled. Buck chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "Hey professional"

"Yeah, yeah. I know" She rolled her eyes.

"...can we actually have a conversation that doesn't end in a screaming match" A woman spat well talking to Eddie, caughting Buck and Kat's attention.

"Follow me" Eddie said, they walked as they walked into the locker room.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now