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~Let Go~

Kat watched from the ground as Buck slowly walked up the roller coaster to the guy hanging from one of the cars

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Kat watched from the ground as Buck slowly walked up the roller coaster to the guy hanging from one of the cars. "Kat, it's Captain, you copy?" Bobby asked through Kat's radio.

"Copy, Captain. What do you need?" Kat asked.

"How's the kid on the ground?" He asked, she glanced over to Hen checking out the guy on the ground.

"He's gone" Hen said to her.

"We lost him" Kat answered into her radio.

"All right, I don't need the people up there seeing that, so, do me a favor...He survived, right? Get him on a gurney. You know the drill"

"Copy that"


"I'm not hungry" Buck told Kat as she placed the plate in front of him.

"This is America, Buckaroo. Eating has nothing to do with being hungry" Kat replied walking back into the kitchen.

"I was right there, you know, all he had to do was reach up and grab my hand" Buck mumbled.

"People do funny things at times like that" Kat answered, grabbing her plate and sat at the table "Sometimes they just freeze up"

"I've never lost anyone before. Does it get any easier?" Buck asked.

"No" Bobby spoke up, from the kitchen.

"Look, people die, and that's part of the gig, right? See, your problem is you're looking at every job like it's a long-term relationship. They're one-night stands, man. In that moment they mean everything to you but once the morning's on to the next one" She explained.

"Hey, you guys don't mind, I brought some company to family dinner" Hen told them as she walked up the stairs with Athena behind her. "Athena's going through some, uh, some stuff at home, so she could use some TLC"

"Well, we don't usually allow cops at secret firehouse meetings, but, uh, I'll make an exception" Bobby replied.

"All right. Appreciate that. Oh, well" Athena said, looking over to Buck. "You know, I ain't sold on you yet, but...I think keeping me from getting shot deserves a second chance" putting her hand out for Buck to shake and he did. "There won't be a third, though"

"Buck here is having a little trouble moving on from a call that didn't go his way" Bobby said.

"Oh, you know why they make us wear these uniforms, right?" Athena asked him. "Cops, firefighter, paramedics?"

" appeal?" Kat suggested.


"So people can easily identify us" Buck answered.

"Both true, but it's also for our own good" Athena replied. "Because when we take the uniform off at the end of the day, it symbolizes letting go of all of the sad, crazy, inhumane things we've seen that day"

"I see his face every time I close my eyes" Buck said. "That happen to you guys?"

"It'll pass" Buck went silence until the bell rang.

"Game over" Hen muttered.

"You coming, kid?"


"Seriously? It's got to be a jumper?" Buck asked, looking up to the ledge. "He couldn't threaten himself with a gun?"

"Right. 'Cause that would be preferable" Kat replied sarcastically.

"Bedroom door locked. The girlfriend is on the living room balcony"

"We're gonna have to do The Maneuver" Bobby said, looking to Buck and Kat.

"Oh, Bobby, no, I..." Buck started.


"I'll do it" Chimney suggested.

"No, Buck's got this. You got this"


"...Fine. you wanna jump. Go ahead and jump!" The women yelled to her husband. "I don't even know what to say to him anymore"

"Telling him to jump is probably not the way to go" Kat told her, walking onto the balcony.

"He will not listen to me, okay? He's convinced that I cheated on him, and we keep going in circles. Don't you dare do that, I swear to God!"

"Did you cheat on him?" She asked the women.

"Is this the right time for that?"

"So, that's a yes"

"No, it isn't" She answered.

"Just tell him you're sorry" 

"Absolutely not. Okay, I'm not gonna admit that I cheated on him"

"It doesn't have to be true. He just needs to hear that you're sorry. All right?"

"Fine. Leonard?" She yelled, looking over to her husband. "I'm sorry. Okay, I don't know what I was thinking. I love you and only you"

"You lying bitch!" The husband exclaimed.

"Oh, fine!" She yelled.

"I mean, that was pathetic" Kat muttered rolling her eyes.

"Oh, come on. I tried my best"

"Hey. Leonard, listen to me. We've all been there!" Kat exclaimed catching the man's attention."I had a boyfriend cheat on me and...I thought he was the one, Leonard. I saw us going the whole way. Marriage, kids, all of it. So I went out and brought him a ring, a nice one. I mean, we were on top of the Eiffel Tower. I got down on one knee. I popped the question. Everybody staring at us, he had tears in his eyes, you know what he said? Now" Kat said, whispering the last part into her radio "He says to me, Kat..." Buck launched down and kicked the guy back into the bedroom.

"What did he say to you?" The women asked her.

"Who?" Katniss questioned.

"The man, on the Eiffel Tower"

"I don't know. We never get that far in the story"



Rewritten: 16/02/2023

Word Count:852 

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