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~Christmas Spirit~

"I have no idea what to get Buck for Christmas" Kat said, cutting up the carrots

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"I have no idea what to get Buck for Christmas" Kat said, cutting up the carrots.

"Why do both my siblings have no idea what to get their boyfriends?" Hunter asked, Kat rolled her eyes.

"This is serious, I have no idea" She replied. "What are you getting Maddie?"

"...I'm not telling you, you can't keep secrets" She scoffed. "Okay, what did you get him last year?" she didn't reply. "You didn't get him anything?"

"Okay, technically, we didn't get each other anything because we were a bit busy" She shot back.


"What did you get Maddie?"

"Die hard"

"Oh my God"

"What? Die hard's good" Hunter told her, she shook her head in disbelief. "You better hurry and get him something" She sighed.

"I'm gonna be single by new year" She groaned.

"Stop overthinking just get him something he'll like"


"Sir, this burning is gonna go away, it's just gonna take a couple hours" Kat told the man dressed as Santa.

"Long before you need to be back in the North Pole" Buck added.

"Is Santa Claus gonna die?" One of the kids behind Buck asked.

"Oh, hey. No, no, no. Of course not, and don't you worry. He's not really Santa" Buck told the group of kids.

"He's not real?"

"No sweetie. He's just pretend" He said, Kat looked at Buck shocked while trying to hold her laughter in.

"Santa's pretend?"

"That's right"

"Buck, Buck, Buck" Kat cut in, he turned to look at her, she shook her head.

"What?" He asked her giving her a confused look.

"Did you just tell my kid Santa isn't real?" One of mothers asked.

"Mm-hmm" The kid hummed, Buck looked over to Kat for help, she quickly looked away from him.

"Uh, no, no. I was- I was just explaining that this Satna isn't Santa" Buck replied, the kids started to cry as another parent rushed over.

"Hey, Cody. What's the matter?" The father asked his son.

"Santa Claus isn't real" The kid cried, the dad hugged his kid, both parents glared at Buck. Kat chuckled slightly as Buck gave her a panicked look.


"It got ugly. After I said I had to work on Christmas, he went straight to his room and wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the night" Eddie told Hen and Kat.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now