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~Defend in Place~

Kat's alarm went off, Buck groaned out of frustration "Why does your alarm stop me from getting laid?" Kat chuckled and grabbed her phone

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Kat's alarm went off, Buck groaned out of frustration "Why does your alarm stop me from getting laid?" Kat chuckled and grabbed her phone.

"I gotta go, I've got therapy" Kat replied and got out of bed.

"Damn it" Buck mumbled as Kat grabbed her clothes from the closet and shot him a confused look. "I mean, it's good you're getting therapy but it just..."

"Interrupts our morning activities?" She questioned as she put her leggings on.

"Yeah" She chuckled putting her shirt on.

"Don't worry, I'll meet you back at the fire station" She assured him, as she sat on the bed.

"Good" Kat kissed him on the cheek and then got up.

"Alright, I'll see you later"

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"


"You told him you we're going to therapy, well I'm not a therapy" Karl said to her.

"Clearly" Kat scoffed.

"I don't remember you being this bitchy"

"I was eight, of course, I wasn't. Trauma changes you" She replied. "Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, yeah" She rolled her eyes and grabbed the gaming control out his hands. "Okay, what?"

"You knew my dad-"

"No this again, you need to let go of it"

"...his parole hearing is coming up" She explained, he sighed.

"He was fine, I'd never think he could do something like that but...I couldn't imagine your mother doing that to herself either" He told her. "What does your therapist think?"

"Advised me not to go" She said. "And to be honest I don't wanna go"

"Talk to Buck about it see what he thinks" She nodded.


"Explosion was on the fourth floor, Charlie. The sprinkler system lost pressure in the concussion, so evac is already in process. Anybody who can walk has already vacated. The rest are gonna need our help starting with the nursery" Bobby ordered as the team climbed out the truck and grabbed their gear.

"Hey, I need you on the third floor, we got an eight-year-old boy, Parker. He's trapped up there with his baby sister" Bobby told Kat and Buck.

"I-I thought that floor was cleared" Buck replied.

"Well, they must've missed him in all the chaos. He dialed 911 from the patient's room 318" Kat nodded.

"Back up the ladder" She told Buck.

"No, fire was right outside the nursery. Stairs" She nodded and climbed down off the truck.


"You okay?" Buck asked Kat.

"This kid, he was eight years old. And his sister?"

"I know" Buck sighed, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

"What are we supposed to do with that?" She asked.

"We put it away and we saved the next one" He told her and kissed her on the cheek, she nodded and grabbed her helmet.

"Firefighter Rivas, this is Dispatcher Bates. Do you copy?"

"Go ahead, Dispatch"

"Did you get into room 318?" She asked.

"Negative. 318 was lost to the fire" Kat answered.

"Well, the little boy just called me back"

"Uh, hold on, he-he's alive?" Buck asked.

"Where is he?" Kat asked.

"He's still saying 318. Is it possible you were at the wrong room?" She glanced at herself in the mirror and noticed the letters on her helmet were flipped.

"No, but I think he was. Is there an 81E in the hospital?" She asked into her radio.

"Yes. on the fifth floor"

"He was reading, he was reading a reflection!" Kat exclaimed, Buck looked at her confused. "Let's go!"



Word Count:556

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now