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~Brawl In Cell Back~

The 118 walked into the prison looking for the fire as they were escorted by the guards "All right, guys, get those hoses set

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The 118 walked into the prison looking for the fire as they were escorted by the guards "All right, guys, get those hoses set. Come on, let's go. Let's go!" Bobby ordered "Buck, Kat, put up a water curtain!" The team set up the hoses and fought against the fire. "That thing is gonna keep sucking smoke up into the system. Okay, Ravi, go find the kill switch! You let me know when you got it"

"Got it, Cap!"

"All right, guys. Knock it down, knock it down"


"Okay. 118, let's go. We're on the move" Bobby told the group.

"I hate prison's" Kat mumbled.

"What is that? Is someone else here?" Hen asked them.

"No, this area should be secure" The guard replied.

"Over here" Bobby ordered. The team walked over and saw two men on the floor with stab wounds.

"Holy crap, that's Mitchell, I wonder who got the drop on him"

"Maybe one of your colleagues" Hen shot back. "It doesn't look like he held back, either. Airway's compromised. We're probably looking at a crushed trachea"

"All right, we got to move"

"Whoa, whoa, hey. These men are injured" Buck pointed out.

"Oh, and the guy in the shackles has got a nasty gash in his lower abdomen" Chim announced.

"They're scumbags, leave 'em here" The guard told them.

"We've lost control of Block One! All guards, fall back!"

"We're not leaving anybody. All right" Bobby cut in. "Let's get 'em up and out. No time for gurneys"

"Eyes, buzz us out" as Buck and Kat carried one of the men out and Eddie and Bobby had the other.

"Whoa, stop, stop, stop! He's having a seizure!" Hen yelled.

"Okay, get him down, get him down" Bobby said to Eddie. "All right, you guys go. Your guy can barely breathe. Go, we're gonna be right behind you. That's an order" Kat and Buck nodded.

"Protocol says you got to have two guards with you"

"Plenty of room if you want to join" Kat shot back. The two carried the prisoner out the prison and over to the ambulance.

"I got to get back in there. Don't try to leave without that escort, all right?" The guard told them, Buck opened the ambulance and unloaded the stretcher, Kat laid the man down on the stretcher and got him in the back of the ambulance.

"You guys our escort?" Buck asked.

"Yes, sir. Let's get moving" One of the guards replied.

"You got this?" Buck asked Kat, she nodded, one of the guards climbed in the back with Kat as one joined Buck in front seats.

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