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~Desperate Times~

"Generator should've kicked in automatically

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"Generator should've kicked in automatically. Something's wrong" Eddie pointed out, there was a loud thud above from the team making the build sake slightly.

"That came from the roof" Hen said.

"Let's go"


"Window washing calves. This things holding on by a thread, Cap!" Eddie shouted over the sound of the helicopter.

"118, I want ropes, webbing and the heavy winch on the rooftop, double-time!" Bobby ordered.

"We're not waiting for any of that, right?" Buck questioned.

"No! First thing we do is get those rotors turned off! Hen, Buck, you check that cabin and see what we got. Kat, you're with me!" Bobby told them, Kat slid open the door and climbed into the front and started to put the fire out before turned switching the switches turn off the helicopter.

"It's slipping!" The window shattered, Kat fell back but got caught in the one seat belts stopping her from falling. "Kat!"

"I'm fine!" She called back. "Just thinking I should never get in a helicopter again!" pulling herself up to the pilot

"Buck, let's get the pilot out of here!" Bobby told him. Kat undid his seat belt as Buck pulled him out the helicopter, she slowly climbed down to the cabin where Hen and the other victim was.

"Back broad!" Hunter called. "Hen, what do we got?"

"Spinal. I'm guessing cervical. We need to flip him on this backboard" Hen replied.

"That's a two-person job"

"Uh, I'm available. Trick is, how do we do that here?" Kat questioned.

"The backboard's long enough to cover this opening"

"You're gonna flip me over the window" The victim asked them.

"I know. It's not optimal"

"No, very not optimal"

"Listen, it'll work. Strap him in. we're figure out a way to pull him out" Chim told them. Hen and Kat placed the backboard under the man covering the window.

"All right, flip him on three. One, two, three!" and flipped on to it.

"How you doing, Manny?" Hen asked.

"Breathing's good. Pulse feels right. I can move my fingers. Not my toes" He replied.

"That's good, Manny. You're making our job very easy. Thanks for that. Good job" Hen told him.

"Kat! Secure this to the board" She glanced up and Bobby lowered her the hose.

"All set, Cap!" She yelled.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now