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"Trauma bag?" Buck asked, looking at his clipboard

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"Trauma bag?" Buck asked, looking at his clipboard.

"Yup" Kat replied, grabbing the trauma bag.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" Buck asked her.

"Check" She rolled her eyes putting the trauma bag in the truck.

"Yeah. AED?"


"Oh, no" Hen mumbled. "Who gave that guy a clipboard?"

"Ah, don't worry. It's a kinder, gentler clipboard as is the man who holds it" Buck told her "Meet Buck 3.0"

"What, three? What happened to 2.0?" Hen asked him.

"Two's leg was crushed by a ladder truck" Chim said.

"Still not sure what inspired the software update" Kat mumbled, leaning against the truck.

"I'm just ready to let go of the past"

"Your parents lied to you your entire life and you're just gonna let that go. What's your secret?" Eddie asked.

"Therapy" Buck answered. "As in my parents agreed to come to a few sessions with me, work our stuff out. Look, they're trying. I figure I should try too. Right?"

"Very mature, Buck"

"Very Buck 3.0" He replied.

"I'm not calling you that" Kat told him.

"Are you two gonna be taking part in these family sessions too?" Hen asked Hunter and Kat.

"Uh-uh" "Hell no" The two siblings said at the same time.

"Key word family, which we are not" Hunter finished. "Technically"

"You're allowed to give yourself some time, you know" Eddie told him. "To process"

"I know. I'm just tired of looking behind me. I'm ready to start thinking about the future" they nodded "Speaking of which- HEY PROBIE!" Buck yelled startling the probie making him drop his books on the floor.

"Don't worry, I got it" Probie told him, grabbing his book from the floor.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" Buck replied.

"What did you think would happen sherlock" Kat commented, making Hunter and Chim laugh a bit.

"You're the new B-shift probie, right?" Buck continued, ignoring his girlfriends comment.

"Yeah. I mean, yes, sir. Just finished my first shift.

"Uh, how was it?" He asked.

"Oh, pretty quiet"

"Whoa!" Hen exclaimed at the Q word, as the four member stared at him in shock.

"Did he just say-" Kat started.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now