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"I got stabbed and it totally sucked

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"I got stabbed and it totally sucked. But then I remembered something a wise man once said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in while, you could miss it"" Hunter quoted.

"Ah, wise men of history: Aristotle, Solomon, Dr. King. Bueller, Bueller" Kat teased, crossing her arms.

"Don't mock me" Hunter replied, "I'm convalescing. Anway, Ferris Bueller only had one day off. I have weeks of free time, and I'm determined to make the most of it"

"Is that why you're turning all your clothes into index cards?" She questioned, nodding to the clothes weirdly folded.

"Not all of them" staring at one of his shirts.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to determine if this shirt sparks joy, and I did, and it doesn't. And now I thank the shirt. Thank you"

" need therapy, Hunt" Hunter chuckled.

"Says you"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kat asked.

"You got stabbed, did you go to therapy?" she didn't answer. "Exactly"

"That's not the point. You both just almost died. Now you're just gonna prance over to her place and pick her up for dinner like it never happened"

"No, Maddie is coming over here to pick me up, because she is a modern woman. and also, I'm pretty sure they couldn't get the bloodstains off that brick"

"So I guess Maddie still sparks joy?"

"Of course"


"Don't panic because panic can be more dangerous than flames, toxic fumes or a sucking chest wound" Bobby explained to the kids. "Guys?"

"Cap's a little intense, huh?" Eddie asked Buck and Kat as the rolled the screen towards.

"Oh, he takes these talks very seriously" Kat told him.

"And all you need is three numbers..." Bobby rumbled on until the bell went off.

"Station 118, Station 118, please dispatch a fire engine and an ambulance to the Meadowbrook School Library immediately, Harry Grant didn't do his homework!" as Chim slid on the pole.

"All right, guys, who wants to check out the trucks?" Bobby asked.


"All right. Follow Buck, Kat and Eddie"


"Hey, Cap, you ever seen a breakdown like this before?" Buck asked.

"Once in St. Paul. Blizzard took out the power grid around the call center and backup generator"

"I've been through, like three of these" Hen replied. "I'm surprised they don't happen more often, the way the city funds us. Department's held together by chewing gum and spit"

"Hey, come on, I like these old trucks"

"Yeah, I like them when they run" Kat said.


"Hey, Cap! Uh, Doheny Park is going up in flames! Hunter thinks it's a gas main break. We're close, right?" Buck asked.

"Close enough, let's do it"

The 118 pulled up to Doheny Park, the sky was filled with smoke and multiple house's were up in flames. "Help! Help! You got to help!" A man yelled rushing over to the fire truck "My son! He's trapped upstairs!"

"Do you know where? Which room?" Cap asked.

"Don't know haven't seen him"

"Cap, I see him! Upstairs window!" Kat yelled. An explosion went off from the house. The father and sister tried to run towards the house. "Sir! Ma'am!" stopping the two "Ma'am, sir, you can't go in there!"

"You got to save him!"

"Sir, just let us work" Kat told them calmly.

"Buck get the ladder up to the house" Bobby ordered.

"All right"

Buck climbed towards the house to recuse the kid. He stepped towards the edge reaching towards the window but the ladder snapped.

"Buck!" Kat yelled. He dropped onto the ground landing on his feet as Kat rushed towards him. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Come on" Buck told her. "Oh, hey, uh, Eddie" Kat quickly turned around and saw Eddie climbing up one of the pipes.

"Eddie, what are you doing?" Kat questioned.

"I feel like, if we ever did that, you would yell at us" Buck said to Bobby.

"Because he would" The three watched as Eddie climbed up to the roof and then crashed through one of the windows.

"Cap, I got him. Alive but unconscious, I'm prepping for evac"

"Cap, gas guys just showed up. They're shutting it down. All neighbors are present and accounted for" Hen told them. "Two more engines are rolling in, but it makes no sense if there's no water pressure!"

"Cap! Negative on evac. Pinned down, south side of the house"

"I'm gonna take an extinguisher! I can make that jump, I can help Eddie!" Buck yelled.

"Don't be stupid, Buck!" She shot back.

"No, wait!" Bobby yelled, silence fell as there was a sound of an airplane came from above them.

"Oh, what the fuck"

"Incoming! Everybody, take cover! Under the trucks now!"

The 118 and civilians got under the fire trucks. The water crashed down soaking everything around them. Once the downfall stopped the 118 climbed out from under the trucks.

"Eddie, do you copy?" Kat asked into her radio. The door flew open and Eddie carrying the kid walked out of the building. He put the kid down on the backboard as Hen and Chim rushed over.

"What's up with the Spider-Man routine?" Buck asked Eddie, patting him on the back.

"I don't know. I just did it" Eddie answered. "And prayed a lot"

"Yeah, it looks like someone was listening"

Ty for reading!!

Written: 25/02/2023


Word Count:855

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