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~Careful What You Wish For~

~Careful What You Wish For~

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Knock Knock.

Bobby opened his front door to see Kat and Buck stood there. "Hey"

"Hey. Are we bothering you? Y-You would tell us if we were bothering you, right?" Buck asked.

"No, you're not bothering me" He replied.

"Okay, good, um...when are you coming back?" Kat asked him.

"Uh, I don't know. I-I might not be"

"That's unacceptable. We need to get you unsuspended. Maybe we can talk to the chief, you know, testify on your behalf. That-that would help, right?" Buck asked him.

"Uh, you two might get suspended, too. Let's..."

"We need you back, Bobby"

"The place doesn't work without you" Kat continued, Bobby looked at the couple confused.

Earlier that day.

Chimney had the 118 lined up in front of the turnout gear as he slowly walked towards them with his sunglasses on "So we're doing lineups now?" Buck asked.

"Stow it, Buckley" Chim told him. "So, listen up. Because the word of the day is...hose maintenance"

"Okay, I'm done" Kat said and started to walk away.

"Katniss you can't leave!" Chimney called after her.

"Yes, I can!"


That's not the most efficient way to do it, guys" Chimney said to Kat and Buck walking over to them, Kat sighed. The two stood up letting Chimney 'show them how it's done'. "Get it nice and tight. It's a clean line" as he rolled the hose. "Watching, Buckley, Rivas?"

"Yep" "Yeah, totally" The two replied, leaning against the truck.


The car door opened, Kat turned her head to see who it was. "Why are you hiding in your car?" Buck asked her, sitting next to her.

"Chimney's driving me crazy, so I came in here" She told him, Buck chuckled. "You can stay just don't tell anyone. Also I got snacks"

"Okay, I'll stay" Buck replied, Kat smiled. "We need Bobby back"


"Hunter, where's your sister and her boyfriend?" Chim asked, putting the boxes off pizza on the table.

"Uh, I have no idea" Hunter replied.

"I swear if there making out in the locker room" He muttered.

"Last I saw Buck, he was in the parking lot" Eddie told him.

"What do you think the rest of the team are doing?" Kat asked Buck.

"More lineups" She chuckled.

"Catch" throwing a skittle at him. The car door opened, the couple's heads turned to the door to see Chimney stood there. "Shit"


"Let's go!" Chimney yelled, as the team climbed out the truck and quickly grabbed their gear.

"She's not breathing!" The husband shouted. The 118 rushed over to the women on the floor. "I tried talking to her, but she wouldn't answer"

"She can't hear you 'cause her eardrums are blown out" Chimney replied. "All right, let's turn her"

"On it"


"Hunter and I can handle this" Hen said to Chim.

"Breathing's shallow" Chimney announced, ignoring what Hen said "We're looking at a bilateral pneumothorax. We don't release the pressure, she could suffocate"

"I've done my share of these" Hunter added.

"Get some fentanyl, slow drip"

"Chim, there's post-attack protocol. You're the captain"

"I'm also the most experienced paramedic on-site. Four-inch catheter, ten gauge. All right, Buck, Kat, Eddie, there could be a secondary device. We need to get everyone off the X" Chim ordered.

"Sir, is there anyone else in the house?" Buck asked.

"Uh...No, no, is she gonna make it? Please, please, please"

"Why don't you come with us? We can check you out" Kat said.

"No, no, no she has to know. That-that we weren't just going out to dinner. I had tickets for us to Fiji!" as the three tried to pull the man away.

"You can tell her. You can tell her yourself later, I promise" Eddie told him.


"I'm surprised you're not hiding in your car" Hunter joked, glancing over to his younger sister who was scrolling through her phone. "Earth to Katniss"

"Hm?" Kat hummed.

"What are you doing it's like you're on another planet" Hunter replied.

"Sorry, I'm looking at new apartments" She said, looking back at her phone.

"Why? I thought you like your apartment"

"I did, until I got stabbed there and also me and Buck want a bigger place"

"You and Buck? Moving in with each other already"

"One, he was already living with me and two, you need to stop glaring at him whenever you get the chance" Kat told him, he scoffed.

"I do not"

"What do you think about this one?" She asked, showing her brother her phone.

"Hmm, it's nice" He replied, Kat groaned "What? I said it was nice!"

"You say that about everything"

Ty for reading!! Sorry for any spelling mistakes!!

Written: 25/02/2023

Published: 25/04/2023

Word Count: 800

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