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~Next of Kin~

"Adult male, down, on the hillside

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"Adult male, down, on the hillside. We got there kids in a bouncy house"

"All right, we're gonna stage that trucks on that service road. Hen, I want you, Kat and Buck to rappel down, anchor that bouncy house, assess the condition of those kids, start to send them down one-by-one in a basket. I'll take care of the dad. Chimney, you're gonna stay up here and work the winch" Bobby ordered.

"Hey. How come I never get to do any of the fun stuff?" Chimney asked him.

"Working the winch is fun" Bobby replied. The team harnessed up as Chimney grabbed the winch. Hen, Buck and Kat scaled down the cliff and down to the bounce house.

"Bouncy house secure, Chim" Hen said into her radio.

"Copy" The three lowered themselves down to the to the entrance of the bounce house where the kids were.

"Hey, guys? Hey! We're L.A. Fire and Rescue. We're gonna get you out of here, okay? Everybody, just stay calm" Buck assured the kids.

"Hey, boys, can you tell if your friends here is okay?" Hen asked the kids. "Is he awake? Is he breathing?" one of the kids shook his head.

"Lower the basket down, Chim" Kat said into her radio.



"Right here, right here, right here" Kat told Buck. "Turn left!"

"I'm trying!"

"Oh, oh, so you're fleeing the scene?" Kat asked. "You do realize that you lose points for murdering people on the way to a fire"

"It should be fine. It's a flesh wound. Obamacare" He answered.

"What?" She asked, she tried to grab the controller from Buck's hands, Buck shot her glare trying to stop her.

"What? Kat! Please- someone call HR! No- Kat!" He yelled.

"Ha!" Kat exclaimed, grabbing the controller from Buck's hands. "Chimney, here, you're up" Chimney didn't answer and just walked past the two.

"Aw, man" Buck muttered. They stood up and followed Chimney into the kitchen.

"What's wrong? You okay?" Kat asked Chim.

"Look, Chim, if there's something you want to talk about" Buck told him.

"I'm a good-looking guy, right?" Chimney asked. "I mean, like, you can do a lot worse than me? Yeah?"

"Chimney, I've done a whole lot worse than you" She replied.

"You think I'd be a good father?"

"Of course, Chim" Hen spoke up, from the counter. "What is this about?"

"I asked Tatiana to marry me" He answered.


"Are you serious?"

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