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"This is not a trial, and I am not a judge

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"This is not a trial, and I am not a judge. This arbitration will address Mr. Buckley's claim against the Los Angeles Fire Department for wrongful termination"

"He wasn't terminated, he still has his job, it's just the blood thinners that Buck is taking right makes it dangerous to be in the field" Kat said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Miss Rivas, can you tell us what happened on 10/31/2018?" Chase Mackey- Buck's lawyer- asked her.

"I don't think that has anything to do with this" She replied.

"You were stabbed by your stepfather, is that correct?" He asked, ignoring what she said.

"Yes" Kat sighed as her leg was shaking under the table, she hated talking about what happened, and she hated it even more when people brought it up but for Buck to tell a total stranger and use it against her made it worse.

"And you were in a coma for two weeks?"

"Yes" gritting her teeth with anger.

"So after your coma, how long was it until you were back on the job?" Chase Mackey asked.

"6 weeks" She answered, he hummed out a reply writing it down.

"How often do you see a therapist?" He asked changing the subject, Kat didn't say anything "I mean, that must have been an traumatizing experience especially your childhood" Kat's leg suddenly stopped shaking as she glared at Mackey.

"What are you suggesting?" She snapped back.

"I'm suggesting signs of PTSD. PTSD is disability which means if Captain Nash is letting you work, that proves unequal treatment towards Mr Buckley" He shot back.

"I don't stuffer effects of PTSD, and Captain Nash has in no way given Buck unequal treatment. Did Buck tell you that he almost got fired a couple years back, Bobby's the reason Buck still has his job! And you, your just a jackass who has nothing better to do then ruin people's lives-"

"Miss Rivas" The union rep cutting in before Kat could say anything else.

"Screw this" Kat said, she shot up from her seat and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

"How'd it go?" Hunter asked, she stormed past the 118 and towards the elevator and rapidly pressed the open elevator button. "What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, I just wanna leave" Kat shot back.


Kat walked into the kitchen as she washed her hands, she went to grab the towel but instead knocked a glass off the counter shattering as it hit the floor.

"Shit" She cursed bending down to clean the glass.

"Crap" The 10 year old muttered, looking at the shattered glass on the floor.

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